had such a good day yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It all went downhill when I went to bed! Had a Hypo of 2.3 at 3am. I woke up n couldn't even focus at first. Really annoyed!!! When I woke up my levels were at 12.8 - FAIL!!!
12.8 is really not that bad after such a low hypo in the middle fo the night!

Ive been known to munch an entire packet of custard creams in a sleepy hypo state and wake up in the 20s!!. Dont be too hard on your self, even good daytime readings and a rockier night is a good place to start from! 😛
Hi Lou, I'm wondering if the cprrection you gave is the cause of your hypo? I was reading back through yesterday's tests and their timings and it's possible that the 15 was a peak. Yuo still had active insulin from your mealtime dose and this would still have been working to bring your levels down. I only correct if I'm still high 4 hours after injecting.

Do you often do corrections? I think that this can make things very difficult as you can never be quite sure how much active insulin you have still knocking around, plus the correction will extend the period of active insulin. So, last night what may have happened is that you were 15, but perhaps starting to come down. You corrected, this would have taken another 4-5 hours to 'clear' your system, so would still have been working long after you went to bed, causing the hypo.

I think you need to be brave and not panic if your levels go up to the mid-teens 2-4 hours after eating. Wait until at least 4 hours and see what you are then. The more you learn about carb counting, the more confident you will become that you have got the dose right, and it might just be an issue of timing the dose so the peak of the insulin matches the peak of the food.

I sometimes test after 2-3 hours and am quite high. The other day I tested at 10.8 at 3.5 hours, but by 4.5 hours I was 5.5, so dropped 5.3 in an hour with no extra insulin!

Hope I have explained this OK, I do seem to have rambled on a bit!🙂
I have never corrected before.
Yeah that does make sense. Thank you 🙂 x
4 units? i think

If a correction dose works for you like it does for a lot of people, with one unit bringing you down by 3 mmol, then that is most likely what brought you the hypo 4 hours later as it would have dropped you from 15 to 3. Don't worry about it - it's just a leeson learnt and a lot of this is about building experience!🙂
i seem to need a lot of insulin to make a difference alot of the time :(
:Hi smile4loubie,
Don't be to hard on yourself, it's all a big big learning curve. I've just spoke to my DSN and going to up my morning ratio to 1.5 units to 10g of cards and see if it works for me. I also corrected last night before 4 hours was up and went hypo at midnight. Its hard not to keep testing but i'm going to try and wait the 4 hours tonight. See how we get on. Good luck. Happy card counting!!! 🙂
9 before lunch - had pasta. 40g carbs took 20 units? sound bout right. I did do the maths but not been getting it right as yet lol. ratio 5units for 10g carbs
Hi Lou

Sorry not been around too much. I'm still in Bristol now in a hotel as the hostel was doing my head in with the noise.

Don't forget that you are more insulin sensitive at night than morning so whilst a 4 unit correction may work in the morning it sounds like far too much for you in the evening. Northerner explained it all perfectly.

I'll be back online properly tomorrow night. Will check in later.
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