Had enough of high bs and insatard insulin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have had enough of insatard its not working for me my blood sugars are constantly in the 20s. Its like i asked my gp when i saw him the other day is it worth me taking this brand of insulin at all I might as well not be taking it at all for all the good its doing me. When i was on Lantus my bs were so much better. This has gone on for to long now and I cant handle it for much longer Im being so carefull in wot I eat and its still high WHERE AM I GOING WRONG please someone tell me Have asked to go back on Lantus gp is going to have a word with my hossie docter. They have to sort something out soon for ffs Im on 120 units a day. Have just taken bs and its 28.4 it was 30.00 this morning Im sorry but I really am at the end of my diabetic tether WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG sorry rant over
Oh Gail, you must be feeling rough! :( When do you find out whether you can change back?

In the meantime, it might be worth checking the following?...

- Is the cartridge of insulin ok?... has it got over heated or maybe frozen (I've accidentally frozen insulin in the fridge before - we've got an overenthusiastic machine!!)
- Have you tried a fresh needle on the insulin pen?... just in case there's a problem with the old one? Also have you checked the pen? I had one break on me years ago, so I wasn't getting the dose I thought I was - I was not impressed!
- Have you tried a different injection site?

Sorry if you've already tried all these! 😱

Not sure if you've done something like DAFNE, but when I went we were told that 1 u quick acting would reduce a typical person's BG by 3 mmol, which should at least help in the short term (although it sounds like the background is the problem here, grrr!). Just don't be tempted to correct by more than 3u as the insulin can 'stack' & you can end up having a really nasty hypo!

Really hope you feel better soon!

Twitchy xxx
I have had enough of insatard its not working for me my blood sugars are constantly in the 20s. Its like i asked my gp when i saw him the other day is it worth me taking this brand of insulin at all I might as well not be taking it at all for all the good its doing me. When i was on Lantus my bs were so much better. This has gone on for to long now and I cant handle it for much longer Im being so carefull in wot I eat and its still high WHERE AM I GOING WRONG please someone tell me Have asked to go back on Lantus gp is going to have a word with my hossie docter. They have to sort something out soon for ffs Im on 120 units a day. Have just taken bs and its 28.4 it was 30.00 this morning Im sorry but I really am at the end of my diabetic tether WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG sorry rant over
Dear gail i really feel for you. I used to be on Insulatard but when I went on a Carb Counting course in September the nurse said as I was carb counting I would need to change to Levemir. Do you carb count? and did they give you a reason of why you were taken off Lantus? The old saying of doctors know best is certainly not true in lots of cases. I hope things will get better for you soon.Take care, lots of love sheena x
Oh Gail, that sucks *hugs*

I had a similar experience with levemir - didn't seem to matter how much I took I was still waking up at 17 and above and feeling like crap. Lantus worked so much better for me. Can you hassle your doctor to switch you to lantus? I don't think you're being at all unreasonable in doing so - you have your blood sugars to show that the insulatard isn't working, and surely it's in their best interests to have you feeling well and with better BGs! I don't feel you're doing anything wrong here - it's your doctor!
Make an appointment to see the GP tomorrow and show him your meter readings - you need more insulin and however they decide to give it to you doesnt matter - you just need better treatment.🙂Bev x
Thanks guys am on insatard as it can be delivered in small amounts in syringes and the lantus can not. But as now on 120 units a day i cant see the difference in how its delivered.Have an appointment with gp tomorrow and again i shall genteelly nag him about going back to lantus but i guess we will have to wait for consultants decision. As for carb counting thats my next big target, I will have to tread gently as it would mean having extra insulin in my procession something I know that both my gp and consultant will not be happy with due to past history. What I plan to do is learn as much as possible carb count for a while and then show gp/consultant the results(how I would have corrected etc) and hopefully they will come round to my way of thinking fingers crossed I know it will take a while. Sorry about the rant yesterday but I just hit a brick wall as far as the diabetes is concerned.
I dont understand how mixed insulins work - but cant they just increase the dose so your not hitting the high 20's?😱🙂Bev
gp is increasing amount every so often with consultants say so
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