Had a weep

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Old Holborn

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This morning, BS baseline day, had a cry after telling o/h about a dream I had before Xmas. Took my BS immediatley after and it was 7.7. Is this normal ? Usually my reading are between 6 and 7.

Due to arthritis in my spine and sciatica in both legs I can only manage to walk about 50 meters, on a good day, and there's not many of them, about 100 meters. In my dream I was running, running mile after mile, across fields, through orchards, up and down hills, I felt so free free free. It was a sunny day with a cooling breeze. At the end I came to a chain link fence topped with 3 rows of barbed wire. I tore at the fence and barbed wire with my hands trying to break through, crying in my rage. Then woke up feeling absolutley like s**t. Was depressed for day's after.
My walking is improving slowly since fracturing my femur but is still limited to somewhat over a mile. Some backpain associated with two prolapsed discs (L5 & L6) does not help. A few years ago I used to regularly walk 12 miles+.

I am still insecure on uneven/unsrtable/slippery surfaces. My (day) dream is to to run across a sandy beach. Last time I went on the beach I achieved a poor hobble!
My (day) dream is to to run across a sandy beach. Last time I went on the beach I achieved a poor hobble!

I live on the coast with a Peble beach have great fun, I don't think, getting around with my stick. O/h is on tender hooks waiting for me to fall, so far kept upright.
This morning, BS baseline day, had a cry after telling o/h about a dream I had before Xmas. Took my BS immediatley after and it was 7.7. Is this normal ? Usually my reading are between 6 and 7.

Hi...really sorry to hear how sad you feel...for what it's worth, I think the 7.7 sugar level is not a worry - it's not bad at all! I can't help feeling I'd cry after a dream like that too. It must be so frustrating for you. Wish I could take away your arthritis & sciatica!

Hope you are feeling ok,

Twitchy x
Hubby feels just the same, he is on a stick and finds it difficult to get about the way he used to. When you have been used to doing things and have been physically fit, feelings of frustration when you are no longer able to are quite common.

Sometimes doing things like going swimming can help as water gives some degree of support, although as it is so cold I wouldn't fancy it myself right now.

I hope you feel better soon, some things feel better in the warmer weather.
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