had a hell of a day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well just when you think that things are going right then something else happens Had a mega hypo last night started 19.00 with BGs at 3.9 had jelly beans and at 20.00 BGs 2.9 had some more at 20.45 BGs 3.2 then dont remember anything untill 22.30 hubby had given me Glucogel andGlucagen kit. Just when I thought that I was getting ok then I was sick. Well its a good job the grandkids were not hear. They call hypos WOBBLYS well think I did more than wabble. So to top it all now today my BGS are right up 21.9 it just likes to put you down this life we have:(
Ack! Really sorry to hear that :( I've heard that the glucagon can make you feel very sick afterwards, although thankfully I've never needed it (although I MUST get a kit!). Hope things are settling down now and you don't get a repeat of that kind of thing in a hurry! Can you think of any explanation why you were dropping so much, despite treating it? You didn't inject fast-acting instead of slow did you?
Sorry to hear Grandma.

Once it starts rebounding, it can take a while to settle again.

Have had glucagon a couple of times when I was younger and it does make you feel very nauseous for a day or so. Nasty stuff but very effective.

Hope you can get yourself back into the normal range soon.

Ack! Really sorry to hear that :( I've heard that the glucagon can make you feel very sick afterwards, although thankfully I've never needed it (although I MUST get a kit!). Hope things are settling down now and you don't get a repeat of that kind of thing in a hurry! Can you think of any explanation why you were dropping so much, despite treating it? You didn't inject fast-acting instead of slow did you?

No I think that I might have got the carbs wrong at dinner time and had to much QA to what I had to eat but dont know why the first lot of jelly beans dident do the trick first time.I had made a seafood chowder for dinner potatoes in and done in milk so a bit hard to workout and I had a mandarin fat free yogurt but think I dident have as much potatoes in the one I had so did the QA to CP wrong thats all I can think that did it
No I think that I might have got the carbs wrong at dinner time and had to much QA to what I had to eat but dont know why the first lot of jelly beans dident do the trick first time.I had made a seafood chowder for dinner potatoes in and done in milk so a bit hard to workout and I had a mandarin fat free yogurt but think I dident have as much potatoes in the one I had so did the QA to CP wrong thats all I can think that did it

Potatoes and youghurt really..........

think it depends on type of pot but usually 10grams inside and egg sized one.....yoghurt.......usually 20-30 grams....lables on them though!1
Potatoes and youghurt really..........

think it depends on type of pot but usually 10grams inside and egg sized one.....yoghurt.......usually 20-30 grams....lables on them though!1

Not together the potatoes were in the seafood chowder and I had the yougrt for afters it was a muller light pot a big on and I weighed it out in to a cup looking at it now think I did that wrong as well it say on the pot 100g 8.5g carbohydrate I had a 100g but went off the DAFNE it said 2CP 150g low fat yoguart and ID put down 2CPS for that 1CP for the potatoes and 1.5 for the milk so that was 4.5CPs and on 2:1 ratio I had 9QA but gess I did it wrong well that wil trach me to make something nice and new for dinner. HA HA well you have to laugh.
Oh no, poor you, no wonder you are feeling rough today after an evening like that! I hope you feel better soon. I have hypos that don't respond to the usual things at times, very odd and frustrating. Take care.
From your description of the food it seems that your insulin 'missed' the peak of absorption and perhaps you got the carb count wrong. It isnt a good idea to have jelly beans for a hypo - they contain a gelling agent and take too long to get into the blood stream - much better to have a fizzy drink like coke ( mini cans are perfect size) or lucozade. Also remember you are at more risk of a hypo for the next 24 hours and so run yourself a bit higher than normal to give your liver a chance to recover.🙂Bev
Aww poor you, I think we all get times like this when we misjudge what we are eating but I think also the D has a mind of it's own so there are times you just can't win no matter what you do! Hope the levels soon settle again, lows like that wear you out and then the highs as well..........oh dear. take care.xx
Thank you all for your comments and I am not to bad tonight BGs down to 11.8 and dont feel so bad now. I have never had jelly beans before for a hyop but last night they were just on the table next to the blood mobile and just put them in my mouth rather than go through and get something else, thought it would have done usualy have dextro tabs so wont do that agen. I think that I got the CP to QA wrong as well. We live and learn.
Glad you are on the mend, sounds awful.

What i have personally found with the dafne cp system is that they are just approximate. For instance tonight i had 200g of boiled pots, dafne says this would be 3cp (30g cho), but i weighed them on my digital rosemary connely scales and they came out at 38g cho.

Things like bread are basic thin, medium and thick, but all loaves of bread are entirely different.

When i cook things with potatoes etc, i cook it seperatley so i can weigh it when cooked then add it to the meal, rather than in the meal. As you say you dont know then how much portion you are actually getting. Hope this helps in some way.

when eating out it then becomes guesswork of course!
Glad you are on the mend, sounds awful.

What i have personally found with the dafne cp system is that they are just approximate. For instance tonight i had 200g of boiled pots, dafne says this would be 3cp (30g cho), but i weighed them on my digital rosemary connely scales and they came out at 38g cho.

Things like bread are basic thin, medium and thick, but all loaves of bread are entirely different.

When i cook things with potatoes etc, i cook it seperatley so i can weigh it when cooked then add it to the meal, rather than in the meal. As you say you dont know then how much portion you are actually getting. Hope this helps in some way.

when eating out it then becomes guesswork of course!

yes thanks tracey w I find that about the DAFNE book I weigh things on a digital scales and find that the carb counter book gives me a better count I and I weigh all my bread. But I dont think I will do that agen but the food I did was good
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