Gym etc


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Now that I’m well on the way to having got back into the habit of going to the gym 3x a week I’ve been struck by a thought.

A lot of people lift heavy weights in the gym but it’s easier if you lift light ones because they’re not as heavy!
I think there was a study into the benefit of light vs heavy weights.
If you do both until you cannot do any more, you will, obviously do more reps with light weights. The benefits (I forget what they were measuring as benefits) were the same for both.

I guess it depends why you are doing weights in the first place. I am not after huge biceps and a neck that is wider than most people's thigh. So I prefer a weight which is challenging over 15 reps but not challenging for 5 reps.
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When I was a gym regular in the dim and distant I remember the resident instructor saying that you do the heavy weights if you want to bulk up and the lighter weights if you only want to tone up.
When I was a gym regular in the dim and distant I remember the resident instructor saying that you do the heavy weights if you want to bulk up and the lighter weights if you only want to tone up.

I was told that too.
So gym attendance has been regular - say 4 times a week but sometimes 5.
Mainly weights with a soupçon of cardio thrown into the mix.
Tracking everything I’m doing and strength has improved dramatically as has cardio fitness.
Have to watch form on deadlifts specifically as I’ve a tendency to lose it on those but most other things form is solid.
Did my first 5km since my achilles injury running on the treadmill yesterday and clocked a perfectly respectable 37.37 for 5.01km.

Interestingly though my weight has dropped just a tiny tiny bit with all the exercise. And percentage body fat only by 1%.

I know it’s going to take time to see the weight fall and the fat drop but it would be nice to see the scales move!
That said I am 4kg down 🙂