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right then , they tell me i'm diabetic now , tests have always been between 6.1 and 6.9 wotevas , is this right? i've got to go for eye tests now too ...?? and i'm expected to take some pills every day ......... i aint appy ....
This is one of a number of things...

If you don't trust the doctor see different one. The first 2 of the list are almost universal for people on here at some point at least. **You might see things in a new light if you read a few threads on here about care for feet, eyes and organs like kidneys and the old ticker. Or even google it. It's not now you realise it's later. When the complications kick in. *And kick in they do!

Be grateful as well that this is 2010 and not the 70s or 80s. Thing are far easier now than they were then. Ask on here... As for blanking it, not on your nelly. Diabetes is more forgiving in some than others if untreated but I wouldn't want to be best mates with it, never mind it's enemy. Think on.*

As for taking pills I'd bet 101% of folk on here with type 1 would rip your arm off if you offered them a swap. Ignoring T2 as I understand can lead to T1 or at least T2 + injections. Get into gear and as I say, if you're unhappy with the dogs diagnosis see another straight away. I don't have my book to hand (I'm tapping away on the iPod and can't check 2 things at once) but will look at the bg level and get back. 1st glance does look a bit on the upside. Far from sure though.*

You also mention eye tests. That was a missed symptom with me 31 years ago. Maybe I'd have been T2 if they knew then what they know now... *Maybe not though.*

So... The main choice seems to be to rake it on the chin and adapt to it. Or you could risk it and end up reaching your 30s before you start acting on it again, taking between 17-23 tablets a day, as well as 5+ injections, rubbish eyesight and near constant pain in feet and legs...

Now woteva...
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right then , they tell me i'm diabetic now , tests have always been between 6.1 and 6.9 wotevas , is this right? i've got to go for eye tests now too ...?? and i'm expected to take some pills every day ......... i aint appy ....

When you say your tests have been between 6.1-6.9, are these fingerprick tests and when were they taken? A diagnosis is normally made when fasting levels are above 7.0, or if the result of a glucose tolerance test is above 11.0. Another blood test, the HbA1c, might be considered a criteria for diagnosis if above 6.5%. You mentioned a GTT in an earlier post - what was the result of this?

Not everyone who is diagnosed with diabetes is overweight - hundreds of thousands are fit and healthy and follow a good diet. Whilst you may not be happy about the diagnosis (and do seek a second opinion as Thunderbolt suggests if you are not convinced), if true then it is essential for your future health that you don't ignore it as the consequences can be awful and it won't go away, sadly.

Please ask any questions you may have - maybe you are wondering about the medication you have been given? - and we'll try our best to help.
As for taking pills I'd bet 101% of folk on here with type 1 would rip your arm off if you offered them a swap. Ignoring T2 as I understand can lead to T1 or at least T2 + injections. Get into gear and as I say, if you're unhappy with the dogs diagnosis see another straight away. I don't have my book to hand (I'm tapping away on the iPod and can't check 2 things at once) but will look at the bg level and get back. 1st glance does look a bit on the upside. Far from sure though.*

Lead to T1? Nope. T1 is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself. If you're type 2 and ignore, then the body will be like MAHAHAHAINSULINRESISTANCE and won't know what to do with any insulin it produces and so insulin injections would be needed 🙂
I stand corrected... 😱

I just remember reading it somewhere a good while back that many 2s become 1s with poor control. Things change and what was "thought right" then isn't now. A bit like changing needles once daily!
I stand corrected... 😱

I just remember reading it somewhere a good while back that many 2s become 1s with poor control. Things change and what was "thought right" then isn't now. A bit like changing needles once daily!

Type 2 can be a combination of insulin insufficiency and insulin resistance - although the pancreas may be producing gallons (😉) of insulin it can't overcome the resistance and levels remain high. Eventually, the beta cells of the pancreas may start to fail due to the stress of overproduction, rather than being scuppered by an autoimmune response and supplementary injections may then be needed, often in much greater quantities than for Type 1s illustrating the effect of insulin resistance.

Some doctors still think along the old naming of diabetics, NIDD and IDD (non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent diabetes) and have simply updated their terminology to think of the IDD as Type 1.
Heers Northerner...

I'll blame the hospital for not telling me about it. Heheh!

Don't panic. It might not be all that bad, if your blood sugar levels don't sound too high, which means although your doctor may have decided that you've got some insulin resistance/insuffiency/whatever, and are therefore diabetic, you haven't gotten it too bad yet. This probably means you can control your blood sugar by watching what you eat and maybe doing a bit more exercise. I don't know for sure, coz i don't know you and i'm not a doctor, but it might mean you DON'T have to take tablets or injections every day. Even if you do, it's not so bad, you get them for free, you're probably only going to have to take one or two a day and if can't swallow tablets (ok, Metformin can be a bit on the huge side) there are liquids you can have instead. But like i said, it might not come to that. You don;t HAVE to take anything, but try to keep and open mind because it's your health that you're in control of. It's scarey, you will be confronted with horror stories and dire warnings about the future, but you're not alone.

i've go no symptoms of being diabetic so i'm going to ignore them all , i'm fit as a fiddle and thats that . ta

You go for it nino. Doctors are only out to kill you. 😉
thanx for all of your replies folks , its just that i've been reading all the blurb and scare stories, does scare you though .
thanx for all of your replies folks , its just that i've been reading all the blurb and scare stories, does scare you though .

Remember that the scare stories only really apply to those unfortunate not to get diagnosed until they are already really bad, or those who find it difficult to manage. All very good reasons for doing your best to keep your blood sugar levels as well under control as possible, and from the earliest possible opportunity! 🙂
Of course it scares you, and your first instinct is to run like crazy and pretend it isn't happening to you. At least you ran to the right place, you will get lots of support here. Take everything a day at a time.
yes well i'm determined now not to let it get me down, i'll sort my diet out and do even more cycling ( currently cycle 10/15 miles twice a week), so we'll see how it pans out .
yes well i'm determined now not to let it get me down, i'll sort my diet out and do even more cycling ( currently cycle 10/15 miles twice a week), so we'll see how it pans out .

Excellent, that's the spirit! 🙂 Let us know how things go, or if we can help in any way.
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