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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had right old gusher early on, blood was pouring from cannula hole, running down skin onto belt & jeans, even managed to get it on settee, been pumping 9 years & can count on 1 hand how many times this has happened.
B nuisance and you never have a tissue or anything else to hand at the time, or at least I don't, cos I think I've had two in 10 years hence never even crosses my mind that it might happen.
Gushers are horrible - especially if there’s no clue they’re going to happen. So sudden. I remember trying to catch one in my hand and failing 😳

As @trophywench says, it’s always when you have nothing near to catch the blood so you have to try to hold the gusher in as much as possible while edging your way gently towards the kitchen roll/towel/tissues.
I'm not great with needles or blood.
I can just about handle finger pricking (although I generally rely on the CGM now so typically don't need to do this anymore) and insulin injections.
Reading this thread, I nearly passed out thinking about using a pump and having to face this sort of thing. I need a relaxing coffee. o_O
I'm not great with needles or blood.
I can just about handle finger pricking (although I generally rely on the CGM now so typically don't need to do this anymore) and insulin injections.
Reading this thread, I nearly passed out thinking about using a pump and having to face this sort of thing. I need a relaxing coffee. o_O
Funnily enough, although we’ve had a handful of cannulas which bled a little bit when we took them off, I think the only big gushers we’ve had have been when inserting sensors! Had a few with Libre, I think only one or two so far with Dexcom
I had one on holiday a couple of years ago. Pulled the cannula out and blood spurted 6ft. Fortunately it was a tiled floor and the blood just missed a very pretty rug. I then realised why I’d been having constant hypos very shortly after bolussing, because the insulin was going directly into my bloodstream.
I have had a few i just put a finger on it and press hard for a few minutes and it stops quickly .
Fine for a teeny dribble but I couldn't possibly stay in one place with my finger pressed to said spot for several hours, pleased he can. Who's cleaning up his blood everywhere it has shot before it dries into his home furnishings and decorations?
I have had a couple of gushers, in the most inconvenient places. like @Inka said there is no chance of catching it in your hand. I tried and ended up in such a mess. I was waiting in a queue to go into an exhibition. Someone nice gave me a stack of tissues. The next time I went for finger on the leak, press hard and wait. Then deal with the mess, and yes once I spot it there is a mess.

For bleeders I have some nice small round plaster from Tiger, with ducks, lions, ... on.
I keep these in with my spare kit, and they do the job.
Weird isn’t it. My site was sore when I swapped it today and I feared the worst. Very carefully removed it with a piece of kitchen roll poised... and nothing.

The other week I was swapping a set on my side/back, was busy with the process and suddenly thought ’why is my t shirt feeling cold‘... Blood everywhere, running all down trousers and even onto the floor, but I hadn’t felt a thing!
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