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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering do any type 1 diabetics have trouble with their gums bleeding and swelling up and looking really red?
The slightest touch seems to make my gums bleed, my dentist says its my Diabetes. Do you think it really could be?
I think there were would have to be another problem present which isnt helped by the diabetes if control is opposed to diabetes being the direct problem..........I aint heard of gum related problems, could be wrong...
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i have gum problems ..and lost a tooth due to abscess pre dx dentist ...when i had one 🙄 ...said they were related...i must admit the last time it happened in june i saw my gp for the antibios, as the dentists ones made me feel so unwell the year before ...
Oh rightt yeah,, Well i had to go every 6 weeks to have them cleaned but they bleed loads. I mean some days there fine. But my boyfrien could like touch my cheek and they bleed lol its only like the front 4 teeth... May have something to do with my blood sugars.. Not really sure lol.
Oh rightt yeah,, Well i had to go every 6 weeks to have them cleaned but they bleed loads. I mean some days there fine. But my boyfrien could like touch my cheek and they bleed lol its only like the front 4 teeth... May have something to do with my blood sugars.. Not really sure lol.

It's thought that I was undiagnosed for two years with LADA (a slow onset Type 1), and during that period I had a lot of trouble with my teeth and gums, leading to the flare up of an 8 year old infection which ld to my first ever tooth being taken out :( Since diagnosis I have had a clean bill of health from my dentist, so I can only presume it was down to my unsuspected poor blood sugars during that time. What are your levels like generally?
Well generally 12ish . Cuz i have other illnesses its taken like 7 years to be able to im gradually getting there thank goodness
is good youre gettin a hold of it....................the better the control, the better you body can deal with illness and infections........
My control is good, very rarely above 7, average is 6.5 currently. But as posted previously I am undergoing "deep clean" treatment for gum disease. Bloody painful, but my dentist says is side effect of diabetes.
RWJ - Thanks for that comment.. It gave me the answer I was looking for! Do your gums swell up and bleed easily? Everybody keeps saying "badly controlled diabetes" But to be honest I dont think i have.
RWJ - Thanks for that comment.. It gave me the answer I was looking for! Do your gums swell up and bleed easily? Everybody keeps saying "badly controlled diabetes" But to be honest I dont think i have.

Don't get much swelling, but bleed when brushed. Don't beat yourself up over this, it's just another side effect. As my dentist recommends, get the small brushes for in between the teeth and use the mouthwash. Best wishes
Don't get much swelling, but bleed when brushed. Don't beat yourself up over this, it's just another side effect. As my dentist recommends, get the small brushes for in between the teeth and use the mouthwash. Best wishes

Hi I have bad gums, I go to the dentist every 4 to 6 months. My gums are receeding and I use mouthwash and interdental brushes. I did use to smoke and smoking is not good for teeth and gums, it interfers with the blood flow and oxygen levels. I have been smoke free for 8 months now🙂 Sheena
I have had gum disease for a long time way before I was diabetic, but it did get worse since being diagnosed with diabetes. My dentist and hygienist have both said that having constantly high sugars is no good for gums/teeth. I have lost my 2 front teeth at the bottom due to receding gums and bone loss, and I see the hygienist evey 3 to 4 months now. This site explains diabetes and gum disease:

Diabetes and gum disease

I have this too. My dentist has reccmmended various things like mouthwash and flossing. I find regular floss impossible to use so he said to use floos sticks which are like a wishbone shape with floss stretched between the two points. There is also a device called a 'hummingbird' which is a small electric flosser, here it is:

I also agree with squidge, seeing the hygienist is vital. I hate them scraping but they now have a water jet which does the same job and is not as uncomfortable.
I have had similar trouble and since I've got my levels down and had my teeth deep cleaned every three months they have been much better.:D
went to new knasher quack (dentist) the other month and she said ooh diabetic gum disease easy to get etc etc!! Well I've never had a great set myself, but am going to the hygentist (aka Thief) to keep me as clean as poss, she's trying to get me to floss every night! Actually gave me a very good flossing device which made it possible to floss without being double jointed, I will try and find some and maybe let you all know what they are called, basically they are angled 90 degrees to the traditional so easy to use in all corners of mouth?

Cheers and don't forget to do what Clifford does too!


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