Gum Problems

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Does anyone have /had any Gum Problems due to their Diabetes?. I have been having problems with bleeding gums for the past couple of months. I attend for regular checkups at my Dentist/hygeneist. My Dentist has now told me that my problem is linked to my Diabetes. My Doctor prescribed antibiotics a couple of months ago which cleared the problem but it's now returned. The Dentist says that there is nothing that he can do and it will just be a recurring problem.

How can I keep going back to my Doctor asking for more antibiotics,does anyone out there have any ideas/solutions I'm really getting brassed off with it now.

I had a similar problem pre-diagnosis. I don't know if it was related to my undiagnosed condition but I did manage to get it sorted out and now my gums are fine.

As an addition to my NHS 6 monthly check-ups and regular treatment, I paid privately to use the services of the hygienist at my dental practice and I now have that done every 6 months as well - it's like a normal scrape and polish but more intensive and gets rid of the plaque in areas close to the gums between the teeth that would be difficult if not impossible for you to get to yourself. In addition to that, I regularly use inter-dental brushes (floss will do as well if that's your preference) to clean between my teeth. I also gargle regularly with Corsodyl and flush it through my teeth and around my gums.

As I said, I went from badly bleeding gums with a poor prognosis to a condition where my dentist can find no signs of any ongoing problems.

I hope this helps.
The advice given to me when I had similar problems was brush my teeth if it's not too uncomfortable and then rinse with salty water or a good quality mouthwash. I used salt water as I don't like the taste of mouthwash. At the first sign of any problem I rinse with salty water and then go the doctor or dentist if things persist.
Hi Chris

In general, diabetes does cause gum problems. I have never had bleeding gums, but my dentist told me some years ago that my gums were receeding due to the diabetes. I was getting pain due to sensitive teeth, and apparently with my gums receeding it was exposing the roots of the teeth.

I was told to use a mouthwash twice a day, Colgate was mentioned at the time; so I have followed advice and use mouthwash daily, and so far I have not had problems with sensitivity again. As far as bleeding gums, I can't really suggest anything at the moment, perhaps you may want to Google your condition and see what comes up on the net.

Hope things improve for you soon, and let us know how you get on.

Thanks Cliff,to be honest I'm not that keen on my Dentist and I just feel that he's fobbed me off. I have tried using Corsodyl but it had no effect and my gums are bleeding really quite badly, back to the Docs methinks.


Thanks for your replies,I've used several mouthwashes but they don't seem to do any good. I did Google the problem and it came back pretty much as the Dentist had told me as regards my Diabetes causing Gingivitis etc. Basically the only thing to get rid of it is Antibiotics but it's not a permanent solution.
Hi Chris
I never had gum problems until diagnosed approx 2.5 yrs ago. I have 6 monthly check ups and everytime now I'm told I have gum disease and some of my teeth are loosening. I also suffer from bleed when I clean. I floss every night as recommended by my dentist, but no improvement. He keeps asking "are you smoking, do you drink a lot of sweet drinks/alcohol?" I keep repeating "no I'm a diabetic"!!
He's never suggested its a diabetes side effect, but the timing makes sense, nor has he suggested any medication. Maybe I should consult my doctor?
Sorry this doesn't help you, but it's helped me as I was wondering why and never linked the two.
hi diabeticblue I have the same prob i started a thread on sensitive teeth yesterday but also my gums bleed when i brush and it hurts alot
have you tried the sensitive tooth paste Just rub it on the gums and leave it ...... Colgate have a new sensitive toothpaste out - It does me 😉

Hugs Mo
have you tried the sensitive tooth paste Just rub it on the gums and leave it ...... Colgate have a new sensitive toothpaste out - It does me 😉

Hugs Mo

moamber is it colgate sesitive whitening toothpaste?
Ron, my Dentist was unaware that I was Diabetic until I informed him a couple of months ago which is when he made the connection. His advice was to just follow my usual dental regime,which he had shown me,and to make sure I kept my appointments with him and the Hygienist,apart from this there was nothing else he could do.

Steff, I don't have a problem with sensitivity funnily enough it's just this bad bleeding and the associated problems.

Chris, like you I attend for regular check ups with both the dentist and the hygienist and still have gum problems.

My dentist says that the problems are related to my diabetes plus the way my teeth overlap. He is able to treat pockets/gaps in the gums if they appear.

I've been advised by him that the best thing I can do is to keep my blood glucose levels under good control and be scrupulous in my teeth brushing, use inter-dental brushes and seek rapid help if I have a flare up. Hence a rapid visit yesterday but I've had a lot fewer infections since I've got the blood glucose under better control and it was over a year since my last abscess when I was getting one every 3 months
Ron, my Dentist was unaware that I was Diabetic until I informed him a couple of months ago which is when he made the connection. His advice was to just follow my usual dental regime,which he had shown me,and to make sure I kept my appointments with him and the Hygienist,apart from this there was nothing else he could do.

Steff, I don't have a problem with sensitivity funnily enough it's just this bad bleeding and the associated problems.


yea im unlucky I have both, im also not keen on a visit to the dentist but its looking more likely 🙄
Chris - is the bleeding coming from one particular area or is it a widespread problem?
It appears to be all areas top & bottom Cliff

Vanessa, my BG levels are quite good,apart from my fasting levels which are always around 8, so I have fairly good control at the moment.
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Thanks Steff looks interesting,I'll have a read.

I guess its rather late tho as i think it tells you more how to prevent , but its already happening in our case :confused:
Thats right Steff it's mainly about prevention. Another trip to the Docs this week then. This bloomin Diabetes has a lot to answer for.
Thanks Cliff,to be honest I'm not that keen on my Dentist and I just feel that he's fobbed me off. I have tried using Corsodyl but it had no effect and my gums are bleeding really quite badly, back to the Docs methinks.


I dont think the doc can do anything to be honest, its a dentist issue. I have gum disease that my dentist told me is related to my diabetes. I have had the bleeding you describe, occasionally when brushing my teeth. initially i was put on corsycodyl mouth wash for a few weeks. I attend regular checkups with the aim that my gums dont receed any further. I have to floss with "bottle brushes" which you buy from chemists/boots etc. floss is no good as it is too thin, initially your gums will bleed a lot and this is normal, after a while the bleeding stops but you need to do this every day to keep all the bits at bay and prevent the plaque formation. the dentist told me the gums bleed because all the little bits get stuck and infect the gums, so this is something i have to do all the time,

hope this helps
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