Guiness World Record Attempt - Diabetic Advice?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I have been a diabetic for 18 years (with poor control) but this is the first time i have reached out in a forum. However my partner has convinced me that I should reach out to those with Diabetes for advice and tips.

At the end of May I will be undertaking a challenge of playing football for 7 days - Rolling subs, eating and sleeping at the side of the pitch, but essentially 16 hours of play and 8 hours of sleep a day. As far as I'm aware, I am the only diabetic in the squad.

I wanted to know if anyone has undertaken something as strenuous on the body like this before? What training did they undertake? what diabetic precautions did they undertake? and how did they monitor sugars throughout?

I have arranged to speak with the local nurses and I will be reaching out to someone for a continuous glucose monitoring system, but I thought I would see what other tips there might be out there.

Many thanks for reading,

Hi All,

I have been a diabetic for 18 years (with poor control) but this is the first time i have reached out in a forum. However my partner has convinced me that I should reach out to those with Diabetes for advice and tips.

At the end of May I will be undertaking a challenge of playing football for 7 days - Rolling subs, eating and sleeping at the side of the pitch, but essentially 16 hours of play and 8 hours of sleep a day. As far as I'm aware, I am the only diabetic in the squad.

I wanted to know if anyone has undertaken something as strenuous on the body like this before? What training did they undertake? what diabetic precautions did they undertake? and how did they monitor sugars throughout?

I have arranged to speak with the local nurses and I will be reaching out to someone for a continuous glucose monitoring system, but I thought I would see what other tips there might be out there.

Many thanks for reading,

Hi Garry... to think I was feeling almost virtuous with my nearly 6000/9000 steps a day...can't give advice on your exercise/sport experience with type 1...although we do have members here who do challenging sports &.exercise...hopefully they will be along soon to offer advice/support...meanwhile welcome to the forum...certainly come to the right place...good luck with your 'challenge' interesting to hear how you progress.
Hi Garry... to think I was feeling almost virtuous with my nearly 6000/9000 steps a day...can't give advice on your exercise/sport experience with type 1...although we do have members here who do challenging sports &.exercise...hopefully they will be along soon to offer advice/support...meanwhile welcome to the forum...certainly come to the right place...good luck with your 'challenge' interesting to hear how you progress.
Hi Bubbsie,

That's still something to be very proud of.
Many thanks for welcoming me, I have put this post in 3 different forums and I have 2 months to prepare so hopefully I will get some good responses.
I'm not sure if either will be able to help and not sure how busy they are at the moment but @Northerner and @Matt Cycle may be able to help you out x
Welcome to the forum, GaryS. Very brief reply, as in a rush has lots of information about physiology, plus some case studies.
Welcome to the forum Gary. The CGM (if you can get it) will be invaluable for something like this as you will need to keep a close on eye on bg levels. There is always the Freestyle Libre which is a cheaper option. With rolling subs you should be able to get on and off the field easily if you need to eat something. I never want to use my diabetes as an excuse but you may require more time off the field for checking bg levels etc. I assume your team mates will make allowances for this?

I'm not sure what insulin regime you're on - MDI or pump? If it's the pump it should in theory make it easier by using a TBR. If MDI then if it was me I would be reducing my basal (and probably bolus as well) but you will need to discuss this with your diabetic team. As for training I'm assuming you're starting from a reasonable level of fitness but I'm guessing for something unique like this it's a bit of an unknown! The Runsweet site mentioned by Copepod is excellent and includes long duration activities - probably not a week though! Good luck and let us know how you're getting on. 🙂
Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum, GaryS. Very brief reply, as in a rush has lots of information about physiology, plus some case studies.

I tried using that site to get more info but it doesnt seem like it had been updated any time recently, am i wrong? The facebook page also hasnt seen any action since 2011
Welcome to the forum Gary. The CGM (if you can get it) will be invaluable for something like this as you will need to keep a close on eye on bg levels. There is always the Freestyle Libre which is a cheaper option. With rolling subs you should be able to get on and off the field easily if you need to eat something. I never want to use my diabetes as an excuse but you may require more time off the field for checking bg levels etc. I assume your team mates will make allowances for this?

I'm not sure what insulin regime you're on - MDI or pump? If it's the pump it should in theory make it easier by using a TBR. If MDI then if it was me I would be reducing my basal (and probably bolus as well) but you will need to discuss this with your diabetic team. As for training I'm assuming you're starting from a reasonable level of fitness but I'm guessing for something unique like this it's a bit of an unknown! The Runsweet site mentioned by Copepod is excellent and includes long duration activities - probably not a week though! Good luck and let us know how you're getting on. 🙂

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the message. I am still on manual injection, with split levamir (half in morning, half at night). My level of fitness is good- v good; I have just finished a test match of 4 hours duration and while my knees arent what they used to be im still feeling really good. (1010 calories burnt and 14.5km run). The reduction of basal appears to be a reoccurring theme so this is definitely something i will be looking into. I have looked into the runsweet site but as unsure of the data as i wasnt sure when it was last updated.

Thanks for the support, and i will let you know what happens next 🙂
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