Guess the HbA1c

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
OK, my turn - went for blood tests today, results through on Thursday. Last one was 5.6% but am expecting it might be higher this time around.
OoooOOoOo Northey ill go for a conservative 5.8%, good luck x
Ooowww i never got you guys to guess mine coz i got it unexpectedly lol!

Im gonna guess.....6.0 🙂
Im going to be optimistic for you and say 5.5
I think it will have stayed the same!
i'll go for..

i'll go for 5.7 - a little teeny tiny bit higher but not alot so still a good result.

let us know on thursday

You don't need to test when I'm around.

It's 5.9! :D

Andy "The Great Know It All" HB 🙂
Ermmm im thinking...... 5.2 🙂
As Andy seems to have a sixth sense i am going to copy and go for 5.9% (thats what i was going to say anyway 😉)

Bernie xx 🙂
I also think it'll be 5.7%. Good luck :D xx
You're all being very generous with your predictions! I'm trying to prepare myself for a shock :( I've hardly done any exercise for the past couple of months after my knee injury and I'm sure that's going to have an impact as I've always been quite active in the past. I'm also getting my cholesterol done for the first time since I stopped taking statins last October (my own decision, although the doctor will be bound to berate me if its gone up once she realises why 😱 I'm not entirely convinced my liver will be wonderful either as I've imbibed a not insignificant amount of that apple-flavoured stuff to keep cool in the hot weather...

Oh dear!
Northe' hope you get a good result and it doesn't rise too much, sitting here I predict a six two.
Ok this is my first HbA1c guess... I say 5.8! Good luck with it 🙂
OK, based on what you say - 7.2

Fingers crossed I am totally wrong!
Well, we have two winners - xxlou_lxx and lyndasw! :D A completely unchanged 5.6%!!! Very pleased with that - I was expecting something over 6%. Also, kidneys are fine and liver is 'OK' (!!!), and cholesterol is 4.5. Particularly pleased about the chol as that is the first test I've had done since stopping statins last October and I'm much more comfortable at that level without them than a lower level with them (if you see what I mean!)

Only blip still is my blood pressure - still high :( It did come down a bit whilst I was there, but then went up again. Discussed with doctor and alternatives are to increase drug I'm on or add another in. Not keen on either - the drug I'm on (candesarten) has decreased my hypo-awareness and increasing it might make that worse. Don't want more drugs that I might forget to take either! Compromised on no change, but I will go back in a month after trying to lose some weight to see if that helps.

I was very nervous before the appointment as I haven't been a very well-behaved diabetic lately, so it seems the diabetes fairy has sprinkled her magic dust on me today! :D
Excellent news Northey glad to hear all is well great news on the chol as well grr wish i could have such an improvement on mine., do you take anything for your high bp?

ah edit i have just noticed you have said your on something for it.
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..............A completely unchanged 5.6%!!! Very pleased with that - I was expecting something over 6%. Also, kidneys are fine and liver is 'OK' (!!!), and cholesterol is 4.5. Particularly pleased about the chol as that is the first test I've had done since stopping statins last October and I'm much more comfortable at that level without them than a lower level with them (if you see what I mean!)....................
Good stuff that Northerner - Keep it up!

Best wishes - John
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