Guess the HbA1C

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I had it done today - results on 21st

Last was 6.4 (I think...) and this is the first since being on the pump. Am expecting it to be slightly higher myself.

Any guesses?
Hi Sam..

Good luck, I'm going to give you a 6.2%. 🙂

6.4 still like me as my Gp reckons thats perfect ! ....?
Matt's gone for a 6.6

Personally I'm reckoning on an all around 7.0
I reckon 6.3%. I always expect it to be worse than it is. Good luck!
Hiya Sam

I'm not going to guess, hate guessing in case I get it wrong (don't like being wrong hehehe).

I just wanted to say that is this the first HbA1c since pumping, sorry brain freeze and can't remember when you started. If it is then I want to say that if it goes down excellen but please don't be disappointed if it does go up because the majority of first HbA1c's do go up normally. Hope you knew that and also it is because basals and ratios need sorting out.

Good luck, have every faith in you.

adrienne, I'm expecting it to be a bit naff in particular becaiuse i still have lots of work to do with getting my basals sorted - more basal testing to come!

would you believe its been 3 months already! i wish i wasn't still struggling with it though :(
Will be interesting to see what relation it has with your meter average.

I read somewhere that HbA1cs are often similar, but just a little lower than the 30 day average.

I have NO idea so no guess from me either 🙂

HbA1c Value Average Glucose
7% 8.3mmol/l
8% 10mmol/l
9% 11.7mmol/l
10% 13.6mmol/l
11% 15.6mmol/l
12% 17.2mmol/l
13% 19.2mmol/l
14% 21.1mmol/l

This is the figures I am using, although I have still to conclude wether its accurate............
Going by what I read in your others post, I would actually guess that your HbA1c has gone up and I reckon you'll be looking at least 7+ !

If you've achieve a figure in the 6's and even lower 7's then by the highs you've been saying about you would have suffered some major lows or roller costed from one to the other which isn't a sign of good control..

Each meter will be different but yes to an extent you can work out a rough idea of your HbA1c, but the accuacy will be very dependant on your blood testing routine..

I've had my Nano meter for a while now so have the advantage of a 90 day adverage on it, I've now worked out that my HbA1c comes back about 1.4 mmol/l lower than this reading.. At the moment it stands if you took my HbA1c is should come back at around 5.6mmol/l ! But alas I won't find out yet as I'm not due for bloods until December...

My hubby's HbA1c actually comes back 1% higher than his meter adverage reads!
...then by the highs you've been saying about you would have suffered some major lows or roller costed from one to the other which isn't a sign of good control...

I think Sam already knows this Ellie... Starting on a pump can be pretty rocky for many people and an initial increase in HbA1c is almost to be expected. All that continual basal testing/adjustment to get your head around, plus the associated stress of a whole new system. Most pumpers I've heard comment on the first few months is that it's pretty rough going.

I'm hoping that if it has gone up it will only be by a very small margin to provide a little encouragement that all Sam's hard work has not been in vain.

Here's hoping for something around 7.


PS interested to read your own experience of the link between meter averages and HbA1cs, Thanks!
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adrienne, I'm expecting it to be a bit naff in particular becaiuse i still have lots of work to do with getting my basals sorted - more basal testing to come!

would you believe its been 3 months already! i wish i wasn't still struggling with it though :(

Don't be too disheartened, Sam. It does take a while, and in all honesty I've found that I stress more about my diabetes on the pump than I did on MDI - purely because I know that the hard work will pay off. However, the stress in turn sends my BG up.The joys, eh?!

If it is around 7% as you suspect, this is still pretty darn good (depending on your perspective!). My last A1c was 7.4%. I don't think my A1c has been under 7% for at least 10 years - it's not easy.

If nothing else, I've found pumping makes life much more flexible. I don't have to eat to keep BG up, or refrain from eating to keep BG down. Exercise doesn't always mean a hypo. I'm hoping you've found things more flexible, too, so even if your A1c hasn't improved you have found some benefit from it.

Good luck!
This is the figures I am using, although I have still to conclude wether its accurate............
The ADA calculator results in slightly different figures, particularly at the higher levels. '
eg one of 14 % is an estimated average of 19.7 mmol/l whereas the equivalent of 7 % A1C is 8.6 mmol/l eAG '

This new EAg is based on some international research which looked at what the relationship of HbA1c was to average glucose levels. I found a good page which summarises what they knew and what they found in the new research

glucose levels in the preceding 30 days contribute substantially more to the level of HbA1c than do glucose levels 90-120 days earlier

Personally I find that my average fasting glucose is quite indicative of my HbA1c but this is apparently not the case.

post-lunch and bedtime glucose showed relationships to HbA1c that were the most similar to full 7-point profile glucose. Fasting glucose correlated less well and results showed that with increasing HbA1c, fasting glucose progressively underestimated the level of HbA1c and/or AG calculated from the 7-point profile

I'm not going to guess the HbA1c, too many variables,🙂 but good luck anyway. Whatever it is I expect that the next one will be a result of better control . It takes time to learn the best ways to make the pump work for you.
Good links Helen, cheers.................:D
I think Sam already knows this Ellie... Starting on a pump can be pretty rocky for many people and an initial increase in HbA1c is almost to be expected. All that continual basal testing/adjustment to get your head around, plus the associated stress of a whole new system. Most pumpers I've heard comment on the first few months is that it's pretty rough going.

I've actually been pumping for almost 3 years!

I had a pretty good start, but there again I did have to battle for my pump, which took 3 years so had plenty of time to research the theroy...

My first 3 month HbA1c was very similar to my MDI results, but the difference being with the pump I had a very much tigher range of control, where with MDI a very wide range in blood glucose....

I find that for T1's the HbA1c can be a bit missleading, as it's not always a good indicator of actual daily control so should always be treated with caution to how it's read...
...I find that for T1's the HbA1c can be a bit missleading, as it's not always a good indicator of actual daily control so should always be treated with caution to how it's read...

I'd tend to agree with that - my HbA1c has been as low as 5.2%, but my current 5.6% represents far fewer hypos and highs so is better overall control.

Sam, I will guess at 6.8%. You were getting quite a few highs and lows before your last one, and seem to be getting these again as you adapt to the pump, but with a few more highs (just going off what you have told us, of course!). Whatever it is, it will be your starting point and the next one will be the important one.🙂
I think Sam already knows this Ellie... Starting on a pump can be pretty rocky for many people and an initial increase in HbA1c is almost to be expected. All that continual basal testing/adjustment to get your head around, plus the associated stress of a whole new system. Most pumpers I've heard comment on the first few months is that it's pretty rough going.

I'm hoping that if it has gone up it will only be by a very small margin to provide a little encouragement that all Sam's hard work has not been in vain.

Here's hoping for something around 7.

Thanks for that 😉

Yes there have been highs, but there have been lows too.

And I know about the whole good hba1c from hypos, thats how I came to have the pump.

I think it will be floating at 7, and I will be happy with that because it's something to work on, even if its a tad above 7 I won't fret because I know why, it's always tough starting a new treatment and there was always going to be a slight hiccup. And dyu know, I would feel more comfortable with something a bit higher because my last 6.4 was purely because of all my hypos (5 x daily if not more).

I haven't really looked at my graphs for a while, but things are evening out, albeit slowly. It is coming, tweaking is needed (especially overnight, but I am testing hopefully tomorrow again).
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