Guess the HbA1c

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well the moment has arrived! I have a follow-up HbA1c booked, the second since starting on the tSlim with Dex. Bloods due to be taken tomorrow.

Last time was 44mmol/mol / 6.2%

Stick or twist? I would imagine the semi-automation (massive cheating) of the hybrid closed loop makes it more likely that my results will be the same or at least pretty similar?

To help with your guesses:

Dex suggests average glucose over 90 days is 6.5mmol/L.

90 day average 89% 4-9 and 2.5% below 4.

For bonus points, this is the first time I’ll have had my lipids measures since starting on a low dose statin in the autumn.

Previously TC has tended to hover around 4.8, with LDL calculated at 2.9 (0.7 trigs)

Any guesses on TC and LDL?

No prizes for the winner, just the adulation of an adoring forum for your wisdom and intuition. 🙂
Ooh, some hypos so they’ll lower it maybe… *thinking*….. I’m going for 41 🙂

I’m rubbish at guessing lipids and don’t take statins but I’ll have a stab at TC of 4.2 and LDL of 2.3.
I'm thinking HbA1c 42, going to guess 4.0 for total cholesterol and 2.2 for LDL
Low-dose atorva is supposed to reduce LDL by about 33% so I'll guess LDL at 2.0 mmol/l.

And HbA1c unchanged.
Well… I went to my appointment on Friday, but was not able to check-in. The receptionist remembered booking the appointment, and was confused, tried a few things… even phoned someone to ask… before realising that it had been booked for 24th March, not Feb. :rofl:

So I’ve rearranged bloods to be taken this Tuesday. Those who are eagerly awaiting the results will have to wait a few more days I’m afraid!
Ooh, some hypos so they’ll lower it maybe… *thinking*….. I’m going for 41 🙂

I’m rubbish at guessing lipids and don’t take statins but I’ll have a stab at TC of 4.2 and LDL of 2.3.

Well @Inka wins the HbA1c prize - as I’ve just snuck back into the 5% club thanks to HAL my slightly over-controlling computerised add-on.

@Eddy Edson was a little optimistic with 33% (the reduction was actually 25%), but was closest on the LDL (well non-HDL…) which has snuck a hair under the people-with-diabetes target of 2. So the statin is doing it’s job (with no adverse effects, thankfully), and for the first time my lipids all fall within the guideline targets.

I’ll get a follow-up chat at the end of the month, but I’m really waiting for my next pump clinic to ask about funding for Dexcom after the NICE updates.

Scores on the doors are now:

HbA1c 41mmol/mol (5.9%).
TC 3.6mmol/L
HDL 1.8mmol/L
non HDL 1.8mmol/L
Trigs 0.5mmol/L

Most of the other blood and U+E stuff seems to be on target, though Sodium and Potassium are at the upper edges again.

A little less salt in my cooking perhaps?
@Eddy Edson was a little optimistic with 33% (the reduction was actually 25%), but was closest on the LDL (well non-HDL…) which has snuck a hair under the people-with-diabetes target of 2. So the statin is doing it’s job (with no adverse effects, thankfully), and for the first time my lipids all fall within the guideline targets.

Scores on the doors are now:

HbA1c 41mmol/mol (5.9%).
TC 3.6mmol/L
HDL 1.8mmol/L
non HDL 1.8mmol/L
Trigs 0.5mmol/L
??? Yr LDL-C would be about 1.6, a reduction of ~45% from previous 2.9. So my 33% was actually pessimistic. Whatever - well done!
??? Yr LDL-C would be about 1.6, a reduction of ~45% from previous 2.9. So my 33% was actually pessimistic. Whatever - well done!

Ah! I went by TC 4.8 -> 3.6.

25% of 4.8 = 1.2
4.8-1.2 = 3.6 🙂

Still… as you say, it doesn’t matter 🙂
Well @Inka wins the HbA1c prize - as I’ve just snuck back into the 5% club thanks to HAL my slightly over-controlling computerised add-on.

@Eddy Edson was a little optimistic with 33% (the reduction was actually 25%), but was closest on the LDL (well non-HDL…) which has snuck a hair under the people-with-diabetes target of 2. So the statin is doing it’s job (with no adverse effects, thankfully), and for the first time my lipids all fall within the guideline targets.

I’ll get a follow-up chat at the end of the month, but I’m really waiting for my next pump clinic to ask about funding for Dexcom after the NICE updates.

Scores on the doors are now:

HbA1c 41mmol/mol (5.9%).
TC 3.6mmol/L
HDL 1.8mmol/L
non HDL 1.8mmol/L
Trigs 0.5mmol/L

Most of the other blood and U+E stuff seems to be on target, though Sodium and Potassium are at the upper edges again.

A little less salt in my cooking perhaps?

Excellent result on hba1c & cholesterol, well done Mike.
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