Guess the answer...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I will do this bit by bit

I have an eye operation at the beginning of December but I have been told by the clinic that I have to isolate for 10 days before the operation and I cannot use a car to get to the clinic for the op as my eyesight will be affected (actually I don't have a car).

That means. No contact with other people outside my own household. No busses. No trains. No taxis. No car. (Oh and No shopping). Etc

So the obvious first question is 'How do I get to the clinic for the operation?'

I asked the clinic by phoning them...

What advice did they give, can you guess...

(Clue. This gets sillier and sillier as it all unfolds)
No idea but common sense will have to prevail so whatever is possible (e.g. taxi) and use masks. You can only do your best. We don't live in a sterile bubble. Good luck with the op :D
First response yes you are right I can use a taxi

But I checked on their chat helpline and the first response was no you can't use a taxi.

After a bit of discussion they relented as there was no way I could get to the clinic.

This led me on to my second question.

As part of my strategy to control my diabetes I exercise, alone on the beach every day. Is this allowed when self isolating? I would be entirely alone.

Any guesses?
Common sense suggests that you won’t have time to churn out enough Covid virus at the hospital even if the Taxi driver did have it an hour earlier, but I'm suspecting common sense doesn’t have much to do with it.
10 days sounds to be a long time, my OH is due an prostate op and has been told 4 days isolation plus a CoVID test.
Again cannot drive there and I cannot drive because of my knee injury. My daughter is coming but will do a covid test before hand. Do you have somebody who could drive you and ask them to do a covid test.
Usually you have to adopt the best practicable means with these sort of things.
Do what’s right for you and just tell them that the beach is part of your garden!
Ok you lot sound far too sensible.....

The telephone receptionist at the clinic said yes to both the taxi and to exercise on the beach.

I then did an internet trawl and came up with both sets of advice. Government rules changed in September (apparently) yes you can exercise ( and water the dog) if alone. Ah but the NHS quotes the government guidelines and says no you can't.

So I got onto the chat line with the clinic again.

Even though I stressed that I would be walking alone on miles of beach as part of my diabetes treatment, they adamantly stated that that was not good enough and I had to isolate at home. But I could use a taxi to get to the clinic.


They also did say I only had to self isolate for 3 days and do a PCR test and have a clear negative result 3 days before the op. So I could reduce the mucking about.

Enough for now, I have worked out what I just do to ensure success as far as I can, and so I can honestly say I have isolated and not put anyone else at risk.

As for getting food...

Well as anyone living with me has to isolate too (according to the guidelines), that would seem a difficult one (except for online shopping but we don't spend enough to do that and most of our food is fresh so will not last long), except that their own instructions/guidelines state that I can ask my partner to go get food shopping. So much for isolation.

Ok it does all work out sort of but I found it to be a little confusing and unbending, even in the light of sense.

I suppose they have to make it diect and straight forward to ensure those inclined to break to rules do not do so.

I think I will go and have a lie down for a few weeks...
Strictly speaking you're meant to isolate from your partner so in theory she could go for the shopping. If there's more than one bedroom and bathroom you use those and have your meals delivered to whichever room you're occupying! It's a minefield! Just do your best. It's in your best interests as your op will be cancelled if you're positive and if you catch covid and have the op your recovery could be compromised 😱
Oh yes I will do my best, thanks.

I will have a restful 10 days at home (I thought it had to be for 2 weeks - wrong!)
Could you not as local butcher, veg shop etc to deliver. I live in seaside town and just have to phone. Not same as chosing yourself but better than nothing. Hope all goes well for op
Thanks for that. I will have to adapt....again. I have enough to deal with with my wife being ill. Still, its just another challenge. I will rise to it
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