Guess the A1C

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had my bloods done today, routine diabetes blood tests, plus a repeat of the full blood count and additional blood examination for the mystery illness. I had the bloods taken at the GPs this morning, results in and reviewed by GP this afternoon and I read through them this evening. Impressive speed. Wondering what my a1c was?

A few bits of info to help you. My lowest ever a1c was 40, highest was 100. I’ve been ill since Christmas with something as yet undiagnosed but suspected ME/CFS, other than a few weeks in June when I felt okay. I use Lantus Apidra and metformin. I sometimes use libre/dexcom but i self fund and haven’t in at least a month. I’ve had one hospital admission for high bgs this year but it was in about March.

In February my a1c was 70. I had been ill and regularly seeing bgs in 20s or teens, extended periods off work in bed, and knew a1c would have increased as my blood sugars had been really high, I was really surprised it wasn’t higher.

In August my a1c was 60. I’d funded glucose sensors more continuously for the few months before this and focused on trying to improve bgs. This also included the month of feeling a bit better in June before being ill again in July onwards.

I used dexcom for 3 months between July and early October, haven’t used any sensors since then. The illness has been difficult and struggled with work/life again since July, gradually getting into a routine that works, and I am back to full time work, but it involves lots of going to bed for a rest at lunchtime, evenings and weekends.

Blood sugars haven’t been a priority and know they’re high more often than not, I’m not seeing 20s all the time like I was in February, only occasionally, but I easily have more bad days than good days.

So, any ideas? Is that enough info to give it a stab?
Im guessing 65 :D
With the extra effort you’ve been putting in I’m hoping you will be rewarded with a 56 🙂
No comment but closer than I’d guessed. I never really have a clue what it will be.
So - does this comment mean that you actually know what it is by now? I never want to predict anything other than 'up' or 'down' cos I've frequently been disappointed myself. The other week if I say I would have been appalled but wasn't cos I knew it would be abysmal and indeed it was. Hey ho, shhhh happens. Onwards and downwards ......
Yeah results came back same day @trophywench! Impressed with that as I had them at my GP so I knew the blood had to be driven somewhere, tested and results reviewed by GP etc.
I am guessing 55
Realised I forgot to actually say the results.

I was guessing similar to the 60 of last time, but it was actually 68. Was surprised by that as whilst I haven’t been buying sensors the last 6 weeks or so, I know my bgs are so much better than when I had there a1c of 70 in February. Maybe worth me buying some sensors again but I’m trying more fingerpricks for now.

I have been taking iron supplements for the last few months (just supermarket multivitamin ones) as my iron levels were borderline low when checked a few months ago, but thought low iron makes your a1c low not high. Iron results from this time aren’t back yet so I don’t know if the supplements have helped yet.

Cholesterol was down from 5.9 to 5.1, I had started taking the cholesterol drinks but only about one to two weeks in four, so maybe worth me doing those more regularly.

White blood cells were high as always and higher than last time. Further results on those looking at the shape of the cells etc will be back next week.

All the results back so far for liver kidneys etc were completely normal
I have been taking iron supplements for the last few months (just supermarket multivitamin ones) as my iron levels were borderline low when checked a few months ago, but thought low iron makes your a1c low not high. Iron results from this time aren’t back yet so I don’t know if the supplements have helped yet.
It’s the other way round. Low iron can make your HbA1c higher, because there are fewer red blood cells for the glucose to stick to, so more glucose sticks to the red cells that do exist.
Ah that makes sense, will see what the iron results are in the next few days then
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