Growing spurts

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
We check Tom every night about 11pm and for the past week or so have been regularly finding him hypo (<4.0). We cannot understand it - at the moment he doesn't have a cold or anything and has not done anything different exercise wise (he hasn't played out after school etc for about 6 weeks). He eats his food as normal. Could it be he is going through a growing spurt and his body is placing a large demand on the BS? Any experiences of this sort of thing would be appreciated. Dave
Hi Dave,

Perhaps he has a little too much basal insulin? You could try a reduction by perhaps two units and see how that affects it.

Check the insulin as suggested by Tom.

When children are growing all kinds of odd things happen, even in non diabetic children. If you are worried there is no harm in seeking medical advice, and I'm sure all the parents of diabetic children will be better placed to make suggestions than I.
Hi Dave,
As a child with diabetes, I used to have low blood sugars when the seasons changed! As ridiculous as that sounds, it was attributed to the heat... When the sun came out in the summer, I used to (like most people!) sweat more and therefore burn more energy and therefore hypo... In winter, when the heating started to come on in the house, the extra heat used to produce the same effect. My Dad used to adjust my doses in these transitional periods.
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