Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.1 today

My eye has settled down (following mondays treatment)
a decent sleep last night, but kind of feel I need another 7 hours,
looking forward to the weekend although Sat I can’t lay in as I’m taking my car in to 😎get some of the bumps and scrapes seen to first thing, must get up and get ready for work
Good morning everyone

My wife had a very bad evening. The 'house intruders' had been back and damaged a bedside light switch!!! Trivial! Damaged by her forceful vacuuming probably. But no, she went off the deep end, IT WAS INTRUDERS!!! I really can't cope with this craziness. She has no idea that her thinking is skewed and that she is ill!!! A horrible evening! Really horrible!

BG 4.8
A 5.8 for me again. 🙂

9.6 after a correction dose at 4am, that'll teach me to eat cake in the evening, but it is my birthday week/month :rofl: and you can't waste birthday cake, that would be criminal.
Looks like the cricket match will be called off due weather.
Take care everyone
Good morning - been missing - sorry, I am not at all well. Gor two days BS in the high 20's, increased amounts of NR make no difference at all. This morning 27.7. As this cartridge of NR has been carted about the Province for the last 4 days maybe I should change it
6.1 for me today.

Visiting my son and his girlfriend in nearby Leamington today to see his new home and have some lunch. Looking forward to a catch up in person instead of just speaking on the phone.

@goodybags - glad to hear your eye is settling down.

@Gwynn - so sorry to hear your wife is still struggling. It must be so hard for you. I hope you can get the help she needs and get back into calmer waters again.

Take care everyone.

Hba1C results are in. 42. Quite OK with that. Hopefully it’ll come down given the uptick in exercise.
Cholesterol’s all at the lower end of the range so that’s good.

Weighed myself out of curiosity more than anything else really as I took my first 2.5mg of Mounjaro on Sunday. I’m down 1.5kg. That’s a whisker under a quarter of a stone.
Good morning - been missing - sorry, I am not at all well. Gor two days BS in the high 20's, increased amounts of NR make no difference at all. This morning 27.7. As this cartridge of NR has been carted about the Province for the last 4 days maybe I should change it
Yes change the cartridge. At some point it may have got too hot and have degraded. Do you have any way (such as a Frio pouch) to keep it cool when you are out and about in high temperatures?
hi @Jodee, sorry to read you've not been not doing so good
when you say they’ve put you back on Empagliflozin, I just wondered have you been on it before ?

I wasn’t aware of this type of medication until it was introduced to me as a substitute for another med (something I used to inject called Trulicity)
was was taking that until it became no longer available (due to supply shortages)

anyway your post caught my eye as obviously you refer to it, only today I’ve had a long and detailed chat today with my GP regarding my meds including said Empagliflozin
whilst I fully appreciate we are all different and will react differently to all meds,
hope it does the trick and helps you

Hello goodybags, I was originally put on Empag because blood glucose got out of control, far too high. 10mg daily + 3 x metformin daily. I noticed after 4 days of being on it my short site became very blurred (it was not prior to this), mentioned to doc who told me to stop and leave for 7 days to see (kind folk on here thought it was when the blood glucose comes down quickly) any way after 7 days my short site is still fuzzy so I started back on it. The diabetic nurse said bloods will be recked in 6 months. I would be interested to know what you experienced and what you doc mentioned to you, I understand we are all different though. How long were you on it? R u still on it?
Thanks for making contact 🙂
@ColinUK Fab Colin, welldone.

Happy to say I am at 6.0 this morning too :D
5.9 this morning, which has dawned grey and wet. Clearly got a soaking overnight and now it's raining again, with no let up until this evening according to the BBC.

Thursday, so usual swim later and hopefully the pool a little less busy with the new school term starting today. We have 2 primary schools close by - our two boys went to one of them - so there were groups of kids & parents everywhere when I went down to Morrisons this morning.

Hope the weather hasn't spoilt anyone's plans for the day.
:party: I just saw that we have new emojis! Now we can show that we are :confused: etc. Though only in messages not as reactions at present
Hi, I note the bar across top of message for me is all greyed out including emoji do you know how to switch back on? Looked in profile can't see it. thank you
Good morning.5.8

Grey morning after a wet night. Yesterday turned out sunny so got busy and pruned the shrubbery. Filled a 6 x 4 trailer 3ft deep...Looks much better and I am only a little stiff and achy after the effort. Now need another run to the tip to get rid of the debris. Need to pollard the willow "fedge" before winter - hope I can either get a buyer or some help for that job - the wretched thing is taller than the bungalow ridge - looks nice though wafting about in the lightest breeze.

@miguel81 Hope you feel better soon.

Have a nice day everyone.
Good morning/moaning! Slept like a log, despite having no fireplace :rofl: , after Tuesday night's lack of hit. Ran 8 - 9 all night and woke to 9o.1. Then FOTF 11.3! 🙂

Physiotherapy this morning.

Very grey and rain running down kitchen window.

Late for physiotherapy. The area is grid locked by back-to-school runs with different timings for different years, and heavy rain in the mix! (heavy rain on queueing cars emoji). I suppose the kids will have to write letters "Sorry I was late. Mum was not ready on time!". :rofl:

Has had a plus as J from the pharmacy turned up with my repeats and was thinking I should be on my way to weekly physio!
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Good morning. It was a 5.7 for me earlier this morning. Heavy black clouds looming on the horizon today
with showers on the forecast,

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
been off the grid for the last 2 days, car saga again hubby fitted the new starter motor on Tuesday but the car still wouldn't start, so yesterday he got it started by pushing it down our street which fortunately is on a slope and a friend towing it back up the hill and it started, so we went straight to a local garage who have testing diagnostic equipment
we had to keep it running because it won't start if you turn it off, anyway the guy said he couldn't find any faults and his opinion was a damaged wire which could have got caught when they put the new flywheel and clutch on then he tried another test and it stopped, they tried to bump start it but nothing then there mechanic went under the car no idea what he did but the car started and we made it home hubby tested the car several times over the course of the day and it started ok so we assumed as the guy said it was a wire either loose or damaged and they had put it right, so this morning was my daughters meeting at work after being suspended, the reason they suspended her was her boyfriend who worked there has a new jobs now but still dropped her off in the mornings, he needed to go to the loo so the didn't see a problem letting him in , and that's why they suspended her, they have told her its against health and safety but on this occasion she will be given a warning, so we went to fetch her from work and the car was fine but suddenly stopped at another stupid place in the middle of a junction, hubby had to push it off the traffic lights, I had to steer it but luckily someone stopped to help, then he tried again and it started ok, so we know what the problem is he now has to fix this wire and stop it from grounding whatever that means, the best part about it is the guy at the garage said he suspected none of the parts we purchased were needed, and might just have been a warning, so were £1200 worse off and still not completely resolved yet but getting there oh and my BS for the last 2 days were 4.8 and 4.7 sigh
Not posted for a few days - as predicted work was ridiculously busy when I went back.
6.2 for me today. I thought I was starting to see a decrease in my fasting BS but not the last few days - I wondered if it might be less Pilates on an evening as I've been too tired from work. I was trying for 3-4 x per week.
Anyway, have a day off. Not so bothered by the weather as am currently working my notice before starting a new job in October so have a fair amount of admin to do to tie up lose ends from one job and prepare for another.
Hope the weather isn't affecting everyone's plans too much.