Grenade low carb high protein bars

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am in a predicament today, only have one of these on offer for lunch, or a sandwich. I would rather avoid bread, I am at a work all day meeting onsite and there is the candy machine with these in alongside other 'normal' chocolate and snacks, and a sandwich van but normally I would have something low carb and cook loads of veg, is one of these OK as a one off emergency to keep me going until I get home at 4?
Sounds like it is probably the best option although I found the Grenade bars were not as low carb as other protein bars like Nature Valley, so it might be worth keeping a small stock of those in your desk at work for such emergency situations.... but if it is a one off situation, then I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Obviously the normal chocolate bars are probably the thing to avoid.... for me they would set away cravings for more. The sandwich van might be able to do you a salad rather than a sandwich if you asked them, but really try not to stress about it. One meal on one day will not derail you, but perhaps be more prepared next time with a packed lunch for such situations.
Sounds like it is probably the best option although I found the Grenade bars were not as low carb as other protein bars like Nature Valley, so it might be worth keeping a small stock of those in your desk at work for such emergency situations.... but if it is a one off situation, then I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Obviously the normal chocolate bars are probably the thing to avoid.... for me they would set away cravings for more. The sandwich van might be able to do you a salad rather than a sandwich if you asked them, but really try not to stress about it. One meal on one day will not derail you, but perhaps be more prepared next time with a packed lunch for such situations.
I am so annoyed at myself for thinking I could get a salad from the sandwich van (they used to sell them so you could choose along a selection) but they stopped after covid) and now its all bacon rolls and cheese sandwiches. I will remember next time, I normally bring a small bag of nuts or an apple but today left in a hurry as overslept
Sounds like it is probably the best option although I found the Grenade bars were not as low carb as other protein bars like Nature Valley, so it might be worth keeping a small stock of those in your desk at work for such emergency situations.... but if it is a one off situation, then I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Obviously the normal chocolate bars are probably the thing to avoid.... for me they would set away cravings for more. The sandwich van might be able to do you a salad rather than a sandwich if you asked them, but really try not to stress about it. One meal on one day will not derail you, but perhaps be more prepared next time with a packed lunch for such situations.
yes 20 carbs but as I allow 30g per meal its OK and also within my calorie allowance, just like to have lots of veg with each meal too. 🙂
In the scheme of things, this situation is a very minor blip so put it out of your mind and remember just how much success you have had over the past few months. I know I can easily start beating myself up about making a mistake or not planning well enough and lose sight of all that I have achieved, but you really have to learn to just go with the flow occasionally and accept one of the options available as not being ideal. Life isn't perfect and you have to learn to balance the diabetes with real life and not let it gobble up too much head space as it can if you let it.
That was my issue.
I eat a lot of food on the go.
So it was a no brainer for me.
It was easy and on 800 calories, I could simply skip a meal.
Then when I finally reversed my diabetes I could eat a sandwich.

But even so, one bad choice occasionally won't hurt.
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