Great timing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, my pump isn't working, waiting for a USA rep to ring back and panicking cos I have no idea how much lantus I would need if I have to go back and stressing cos I'm up at 530 for the start of some horrible shifts at work. AGH
Oh my! I do hope they can get it sorted very quickly! Perhaps your DSN can help with the lantus if it comes to that - there may be some formula you can use based on your current pump basal requirements. Good luck!
you would be ok just using rapid untill a new pump arrives on the scene, which should be today by courier.
Hope all goes well for you.
my pump is dead, well not totally dead but not working am now waiting for someone else to ring me to confirm there is nothing else to try before they'll send me a new one tomorrow. I've taken today off work cos I had no idea what my blood sugars would do and I struggle at work when everything is going ok! Also, I had forgotten how much lantus stings, ow!
Hi Ellie how are things now, hope your items arrived ok.
This is not good , did you get a new one Ellie ?🙂
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