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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Please can you confirm if we are able to eat grapes and the doctors tell you something then it’s different on here.

The fruit I have is grapes and blueberries is this ok

Only you can tell what your body can tolerate as we are all different.
This would mean measuring your blood glucose before eating and 2 hours later to see how your body reacted.

That said, with diabetes, we can struggle with carbohydrates which includes sugar. Therefore, it is often recommended to avoid fruit with higher carb content.
Grapes contain about 17% carbs, blueberries contain about 9% and strawberries contain about 8%.
As you can see, grapes are definitely higher carbs which is why many people with diabetes chose to avoid them,
Just to add to what @helli has helpfully posted above, portion size and taste preference is also important. There is little point in telling you that raspberries are one of the lowest carb fruits and you should eat those if you don't like them. Grapes are one of the highest carb fruits but if you just have 2 or 3 chopped up to make them go further, that probably is the equivalent of 10-15 raspberries, carbs wise, so a smaller portion of a higher carb food may be OK if you are prepared to compromise on the portion size. This is where a BG meter comes in handy as it will show you how your body responds to a particular portion size and what you can get away with as an individual, by testing before eating and then 2 hours afterwards and making a note of the difference between the before and after readings ie. how much they raised your BG during that 2 hour period and how much your body was able to manage the glucose from them and make sure you weight them first so you can quantify the portion.

The big problem with grapes is that they don't come in sensible portion sizes like an apple or a kiwi fruit or whatever and they are sweet and moreish and I am sure many of us can recall occasions where we have bought a punnet and just picked at them mindlessly only to discover half an hour later that we have had more than half of them or the punnet is nearly empty. If you can buy them and manage to be disciplined with portion control and find what portion of grapes your body can handle then they should not need to be excluded. Personally I would much rather have no grapes but a larger portion of raspberries which are my favourite as well as being a lower carb fruit.
Ok that’s great thanks for the advice. I will steer clear of grapes and get some strawberries and raspberries instead.
Blackberries are a good choice too, as they are on a par with raspberries in terms of carbs. I have them in my breakfast berry mix.
I occasionally have problems with certain fruits. Blueberries, raspberries, kiwi (complete with hair) are all ok. Apples sometimes spikes BG. It could be portion size - apples seem to be getting bigger!
I occasionally have problems with certain fruits. Blueberries, raspberries, kiwi (complete with hair) are all ok. Apples sometimes spikes BG. It could be portion size - apples seem to be getting bigger!
Even little fun size apples need far more insulin for me than I think they should, despite eating them with cheese and generally I go for less sweet apples like Cox's and Braeburn. They can keep their Pink Ladies... Yuk! Pears need even more insulin than apples and I prefer those under ripe too, but my diabetes is OK with a kiwi or an apricot and rasps and strawbs and gooseberries and blackberries and blackcurrants and coming up to rhubarb season in the garden soon, but will confess that I stew that with a little sweetener.
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