graham diabetic clinic today

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grahams mum

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
graham had his clinic it was not very good is average BS went up again 10 and then the consultant was not very impressed about my GP letter about all my complaints (brighton referal dietitian no community help no PDSN etc..)will see what the future bring not psycologist referral and they want me to send graham to bed with a blood sugar of 9 and wake up in the night 3 times to check rather the once and i heard something about CGM so will see:(
hi hun im very sorry that the visit was not good for u :( hope that u can get a second opinion or some better advice off maybe the DSN or u could ask the gp to be refferred to another consultant who might be better at sending u all the referrals u need? sorry i cant help u more but u have my well wishes and support hun xx
we were trying to go to brighton hospital but we are stuck here
we were trying to go to brighton hospital but we are stuck here

Why cant you get a referral? You are entitled to get one under the 'patients choice' charter and you dont have to give a reason.🙂Bev
like i said again they refused because of emergency my gp wrote to them 3 times once answer to him one tome and the 3 rd time did not even answer yet from july so what are we going to do we dont want to go to the UCLH ONLY FOR CARB COUNTING ESPECIALLY NOW THAT I AM PREGNANT we realyy need a good dietitian here
do you think that i did not try that ?
like i said again they refused because of emergency my gp wrote to them 3 times once answer to him one tome and the 3 rd time did not even answer yet from july so what are we going to do we dont want to go to the UCLH ONLY FOR CARB COUNTING ESPECIALLY NOW THAT I AM PREGNANT we realyy need a good dietitian here

UCLH are not just for carb counting - they are one of the best teams in the UK and I am sure they would help you to get Grahams hba1c down from 10.🙂Bev
i know they are good but is more for pump usersand graham does not want one
Hi, Can I ask what regime your son is on and what problems you are having?
What help are you actually wanting, as I can see you want a dietician. Do you have something in mind that you want - other than a better team (which is obvisouly a given from what you have already described).
Have you tried complaining to PALS ? If you go to your PCT's website their contact details will be on there. They are responsible for handling all patient complaints and advice and are the people you go through for any issues. They HAVE to log all calls and complaints and are usually VERY helpful and understanding. If you get nowhere with that contact the lead for Diabetes for the PCT. Their contact details will be on the website and again they should help you, you DO have a choice with the patients charter and there are no exceptions although some people at PCT's will try to tell you there are....
Hey Daniela

UCLH are not more for pumps. I may have given you the wrong impression of them. They are a full and proper paediatric care team. They are what our teams down here (in both hospitals) should look like. It is a choice of whether to travel or not and if you choose not to travel then that is your choice and its fair enough but I wanted you to know that it is a clinic that does everything (except mixed insulins of course) and Graham would thrive brilliantly under them.

However I have had a meeting recently with the money lady at the PCT (last few weeks).

She is just finalising the little details and then we have a contract with Brighton for a pump service. So the kids down here will get pumps finally but at Brighton as our teams are just not ready to even know where to start. I then mentioned to her that I had a friend (no names) who was refused a transfer to Brighton. She found that very odd and said it was patient choice. I then said that I had heard that Pembury were not taking patients either. She said that was wrong as it was under her PCT and if you wanted to transfer to Pembury you can for a pump or not for a pump.

We also have the two DSN's now, that bit of lobbying finally worked. We have the one back who went on secondment (unfortunately) and the other one that was doing her job so they are both now there with a contract.

I am hoping that you are now doing full carb counting and injecting for every single carb that Graham is eating. I know he is a grazer but he will have to learn and if he doesn't want a pump, then he will have to start making choices of eating and injecting or not eating and therefore no injection. I know he is a child but they have to start sometime and learn. I would not let Jessica graze unless she agreed to an extra novorapid injection for the carbs. He is a prime candidate for a pump of course as a grazer, it is perfect for them. I know you say he doesn't want a pump but how many children has he seen with pumps? Has he seen the kids running around with them and playing and eating when they like etc etc. Maybe you should start coming to circle time so that Graham can make a proper decision by watching others his age and seeing what they can do.

I can't remember how old he it now, but at the age of nearly 7, I didn't really give Jessica a choice. I made her have a pump but whilst I let her sort of choose and say yes, I had pushed her gently and persausively in that direction as I knew it would benefit her.

You can try Brighton again and if you like I'll contact my money lady at the PCT for you and if in time Graham wants a pump them you will be in the right place to get one and its not too far.

If the team here haven't showed you how to carb count properly get on to them again and again and push them big time. They should have given you a carb to insulin ratio and should be helping you tweak that under you have it at the correct amounts which will differ throughout the day. They should have given you a correction factor as well ie how much will one unit of insulin bring Graham's levels down by ie 1 unit will lower him by 5 mmol.

If they haven't given you all of this and then work with you at sorting it out, go and sit on the Daniela. I know you are good at that so go and use your Italian magic on them and make them work for their damned salary.

Let me know how you get on. They should be helping you a lot more now as well as you are pregnant as they will know you will get more tired.

xx 🙂
Hi, Can I ask what regime your son is on and what problems you are having?
What help are you actually wanting, as I can see you want a dietician. Do you have something in mind that you want - other than a better team (which is obvisouly a given from what you have already described).

Hi Jacqui

Daniela lives where I do and is under the most awful team in the country (yep I would say worse than your county or on a par at least - that is how bad). I'm fighting damned hard to get things changed and we now have two DSN's (both not great but better than nothing I guess). The consultants are pants (one in each hospital). For example one said to a 9 year old girl 'how are your levels, if they are still high I will chop your legs off '. Get the picture ?

They showed one friend a few paper plates with hand drawn food on it and asked them to guess the food (this is a carb counting lesson). You apparently couldn't even tell if it was mashed pototo, rice or ice cream.

Say no more...........
i really need a good dietitian like the one in brighton to see more often with a good team this last clinic was really bad and me and my partner we could sense really badresponse from my complaints and i really said i really wanted to go to brighton but if they dont get me anybetter choices i maybe really have to ask for UCLH and for PALS less then useless already complained about 5 app . and they did not give me an acceptable answer
thankyou adrienne for your clarification (in english ) but i was so angry yesterday . we did start really well in brighton with the hope to see her again with the consultant but it did not happened and i am left with a lots of paper to read about carb counting with only one visit and how graham is growing is for me really difficult to adjust everything and they told me that i am to panicky because i send him to bed around 13 BS (is my son no theirs )i bet they dont care a bit about all this children here in this team and graham he does not really want the pump so i cannot force him, i think at school he does really well but he is very active and no days is the same i thought i did really well a part from a few problem on holiday but his 10 shows that we did not
and another thing i really would like you to meet my gp because his letter must really p***** off you should have seen B***Y SHE DID NOT SAY A WORD
thankyou adrienne for your clarification (in english ) but i was so angry yesterday . we did start really well in brighton with the hope to see her again with the consultant but it did not happened and i am left with a lots of paper to read about carb counting with only one visit and how graham is growing is for me really difficult to adjust everything and they told me that i am to panicky because i send him to bed around 13 BS (is my son no theirs )i bet they dont care a bit about all this children here in this team and graham he does not really want the pump so i cannot force him, i think at school he does really well but he is very active and no days is the same i thought i did really well a part from a few problem on holiday but his 10 shows that we did not

Unfortuantely Daniela you are describing an active young boy where a pump will actually do him the world of good but he won't know unless he tries it. The biggest thing for the kids where pumps are concerned is what will it feel like to wear one and where will it be worn and will it hurt etc etc. You could maybe tell him that they are trying all children on a pump for a week. You could do this once you have secured a pump trial (no point tell him before). Then what happens is that he will wear a pump for a week pumping saline not insulin so will still need his injections but he will do the bolus's and run around with it on etc etc.

I just know that once he had one, he would be ok, it is just a case of persauding him.

Anyway that is all by the by, you need some carb counting lessons. Fancy a coffee or two and I'll help you. I'll get you carb counting Daniela, if you want me too of course. I can't until after the half term holidays mind you but let me know if you want help.

Thankyou Adrienne I Will Call You I Really Want To Improve Graham 10 It Was Easy When He Was 4 And The Childminder Was Doing Exactly What What I Asked Her To Do With Graham
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