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GPs condemn £85m public health cuts as 'national scandal'


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Government cuts have forced councils to reduce planned spending on public health services by £85m in 2017/18, a leading think tank has warned, in a move that threatens to drive up GP workload and strip vital services from practices.

Analysis by the King's Fund, based on data from the Department of Communities and Local Government, shows that councils in England will spend £2.52bn on public health services in 2017/18 compared to £2.60bn the previous year, on a like-for-like basis.

Once inflation is factored in, the think tank estimates that planned public health spending will be more than 5% lower in 2017/18 than it was in 2013/14.

GP leaders condemned the cuts as a 'national scandal' and warned that they could see money diverted away from practices and create short- and long-term workload problems for GPs.


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Government cuts have forced councils to reduce planned spending on public health services by £85m in 2017/18, a leading think tank has warned, in a move that threatens to drive up GP workload and strip vital services from practices.

Analysis by the King's Fund, based on data from the Department of Communities and Local Government, shows that councils in England will spend £2.52bn on public health services in 2017/18 compared to £2.60bn the previous year, on a like-for-like basis.

Once inflation is factored in, the think tank estimates that planned public health spending will be more than 5% lower in 2017/18 than it was in 2013/14.

GP leaders condemned the cuts as a 'national scandal' and warned that they could see money diverted away from practices and create short- and long-term workload problems for GPs.


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This is the same Govt that is trying to project itself as caring and wants fairness for all, remember the Maybot outside No 10 a year ago.

So, libraries disappearing, no free school meals for kids, police numbers reducing, nurses using food banks, firefighters reduced, armed forces reduced, meals on wheels gone, sure start centres gone, young Drs deserting the NHS having had a pay deal enforced, public sector workers living on subsistence wages, kids on NMW not getting two days off together and thinking that's normal, disabled benefits reduced, employment tribunals out of reach, student debt going through the roof and not recoverable, mental health services battered, arms deals with Saudi Arabia,, on and on.

How long until we start seeing GPs demonised in the media (again)?

Ones personal politics are entirely ones own choice, supporting crass unfairness is however a different thing.

All these experts revealing damning evidence need to be listed to.
I think you are being too even handed Bill. Anyone who votes Tory is voting for the things you've listed, whatever other reasons they have for voting that way. I too have no axe to grind however people vote, but they must be made aware of the effects of that vote.
I think you are being too even handed Bill. Anyone who votes Tory is voting for the things you've listed, whatever other reasons they have for voting that way. I too have no axe to grind however people vote, but they must be made aware of the effects of that vote.

I think it's fair to say that Conservatism was redefined by Cameron and Gideon, I now have genuine sympathy for those who believe in true conservatism as they are now all seen as cash hungry pigs and nothing else.

We all know that the entire public sector, including the NHS, will be callously hammered, while the national debt continues to climb.
Couldn't agree more with your comment about true conservatism. Harold MacMillan will be turning in his grave at what his party has become.