GPs bombarded by a new guideline every 48 hours

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
GPs face a blizzard of ?wide-ranging and untailored' guidelines sent to them every month, according to an analysis by medical defence experts.

The Medical Protection Society found that GPs were issued with 15 sets of guidelines during October, with everything from guidance for CQC inspectors on equality and human rights to the public health risks of fish pedicures'. Some of the guidelines exceeded 100 pages while the majority were more than 30 pages in length.
Dr Stephanie Bown, director of policy and communications at MPS, said their analysis showed there was a ?wholly unrealistic' expectation that GPs are able to have local knowledge about every subject.

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Well personally, I never expect em to be expert in anything and am pleasantly surprised when they do know something. But usually, not.

The main trouble is some of em try and bluff their way out of it and don't admit it, or even having admitted it, and said 'I'm afraid I don't know' when I ask, So what do you suggest I do now, then? - answer 'I don't know' again and seem surprised I asked. Then silence until I then say 'Perhaps you'd better refer me to someone who might know' so they then get the hospital website up, cos they haven't a clue who works there.

It's not impressive or confidence engendering - not one little bit.
Well personally, I never expect em to be expert in anything and am pleasantly surprised when they do know something. But usually, not.

The main trouble is some of em try and bluff their way out of it and don't admit it, or even having admitted it, and said 'I'm afraid I don't know' when I ask, So what do you suggest I do now, then? - answer 'I don't know' again and seem surprised I asked. Then silence until I then say 'Perhaps you'd better refer me to someone who might know' so they then get the hospital website up, cos they haven't a clue who works there.

It's not impressive or confidence engendering - not one little bit.

I suspect that's why a lot of them try and bluff - they're usually the ones who don't actually believe there's anything wrong with you, despite displaying pronounced symptoms of some generally well known lurgy. 🙄
My 'Diabetes Expert' GP can't treat T1 for toffee, or recognise a nervous breakdown when I was sitting crying at the side of his desk - nor does he know that wimmin of a certain age often get summat I'll abbreviate to VA (second word is Atrophy, you'll probably guess the other one) - yet he instantly spotted my step-daughters meningitis at 100 paces - AND treated her immediately AND called an ambulance to take her to hosp there and then.

I haven't died of any of those things. Yet anyway. But she could have ......

Or the one who does the minor ops so well, with such fine stitches they are an absolute pig to get out, but no scars. But can't resist telling me I use far too many test strips ..... :D
My 'Diabetes Expert' GP can't treat T1 for toffee, or recognise a nervous breakdown when I was sitting crying at the side of his desk - nor does he know that wimmin of a certain age often get summat I'll abbreviate to VA (second word is Atrophy, you'll probably guess the other one) - yet he instantly spotted my step-daughters meningitis at 100 paces - AND treated her immediately AND called an ambulance to take her to hosp there and then.

I haven't died of any of those things. Yet anyway. But she could have ......

Or the one who does the minor ops so well, with such fine stitches they are an absolute pig to get out, but no scars. But can't resist telling me I use far too many test strips ..... :D

You make them sound almost human! 😱 😉
Oh there's been doubt about that since I came to live in these parts in 1998 - it was like going back to Kidderminster hospital in 1972 - Victorian building with staff and attitudes to match ....

Can't have this can't have that, we don't believe in it! - and that was only the HRT implants ...... you'll have to have patches like everyone else! It was the added testosterone that 'we' don't believe in. Thanks I said - I do because I've had none, and had some - and it absolutely makes a difference to MY libido - but it didn't matter. I was not to have a libido .... I said that's not the best plan anyway - I'm a naturist and you can't expose oestrogen etc patches to sunlight - else they just don't work! After 10 minutes argy bargy he eventualy got MIMS or whatever off his bookshelf and reluctantly agreed I was right. I said yes, I know I am.

And basically I've been banging me 'ead on the same bloody brick walls ever since ......
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