GPC warns plans for composite diabetes indicator will 'completely demotivate' GPs

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Exclusive: Plans to bundle most of the diabetes indicators in the QOF will demotivate GPs, lead to more referrals and infringe on a patient's right to refuse treatment, the GPC has warned.

The GPC have written to the Government in protest against Department of Health plans to force GPs to carry out nine separate checks in each patient with diabetes in order to boost achievement in the routine care of patients with diabetes.

But the DH has insisted a composite indicator would improve care for patients with diabetes and is achievable for GPs, as currently 18% of GP practices complete all nine care processes for diabetes in more than 70% of patients.

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We've discussed this before haven't we? - didn't we conclude it wasn't really fair on the GPs who are actually trying - but can't possibly FORCE people to comply?
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