
Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Tried to contact my GP re Non diabetic hyperglycaemia to see if I need medication. No response!
Can you explain what you mean by "Non diabetic hyperglycaemia"?
I wish I could but that's all the doctor told me by e-mail. I've tried to contact my GP but to no avail, they don't seem interested.
Have you had a blood test at the surgery to check your blood sugars? If so ask them what your HbA1c result was.

Personally I would email my surgery (so it's received in writing) and tell them that you were told you had Non diabetic hyperglycaemia and that you would like an explanation of what it means.

I have a suspicion @Martin.A will be correct
Just ask them what your HbA1C was @Tilly6364 as suggested in your recent thread:

You don’t need to see a doctor or nurse for that. Just ask the receptionist if they can tell you the result of your HbA1C test in numbers and have a pen ready to jot down what they say. If they’ve specifically said you have non-diabetic hyperglycaemia then that just means your blood sugar is a little higher than normal but that you’re not in the diabetes zone, so you wouldn’t need medication for that.
You wouldn’t normally be prescribed any medication for prediabetes, it’s normally diet changes that are advised.
The NHS used the term NDH when they reported on their 2020-21 Diabetes Prevention Programme:-

I knew I'd previously seen the term but couldn't remember where.