GP tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Am getting upset because i know that the dr will just put me on tablets, he isn't giving me a chance because i still don't know what i should and shouldnt eat. Am waiting for apt for dietician.
Am worried about tablets, what will they do? i start feeling hypo if i go below 5, if the tablets bring my bgs down to below 5 will i feel hypo all the time or is it because my body is used to being higher and can't cope lower and will lower feel normal after a while or right away?

Sorry for all the questions, any questions i could ask GP I am going to say that i want to test more to know what foods etc. I am also worried as i have a bad back at the best of times and have read that the medicine give you back ache!

any help gratefully received.

Julie xx
Am getting upset because i know that the dr will just put me on tablets, he isn't giving me a chance because i still don't know what i should and shouldnt eat. Am waiting for apt for dietician.
Am worried about tablets, what will they do? i start feeling hypo if i go below 5, if the tablets bring my bgs down to below 5 will i feel hypo all the time or is it because my body is used to being higher and can't cope lower and will lower feel normal after a while or right away?

Sorry for all the questions, any questions i could ask GP I am going to say that i want to test more to know what foods etc. I am also worried as i have a bad back at the best of times and have read that the medicine give you back ache!

any help gratefully received.

Julie xx

Julie, you are right about the 'false' hypos - once you become accustomed to being at a more normal level you will not feel this way. If you feel that you have not been given time to 'help yourself' without the tablets, then do make this very clear to the doctor, and ask him to explain (and convince you) of the reasons why he might want you to start on them. Be sure to ask if there are any alternatives, and do mention the dietician appointment. Also, if he does put you on tablets it may not be a permanent thing - you may be able to improve your levels to a point where you dont need them. Remember, YOU are in charge - you need to be happy and accepting of the treatment proposed. Hope all goes well 🙂
Am getting upset because i know that the dr will just put me on tablets, he isn't giving me a chance because i still don't know what i should and shouldnt eat.
Julie this is a carbon copy of how i felt i was diagnosed told diet control then 3 weeks later i was put on metformin i was very very angry because i felt i got no help regarding diet i got 2 leaflets and that was preety much it , I felt that if i had been givin more guidance/ help then that may have prevented me going onto the pills which like yourself i really didnt want , all i can say is i totally agree with northener your in control and in charge and if you dont want something tell the dr how you feel , your the diabetic your the one that has to administer the pills ,

i wish you luck and please keep us posted on how it goes xxx
Hi, things will work out. When I was diagnosed I was just lef to get on with it and very worried. It was only because I had learned to do my own research that I got anywhere.

See the doctor and tell him how you feel. If you get no joy from him make an appointment to see the practice nurse. As they seem to run most of the clinics at our doctors surgery they are more up on all kinds of things.

There is this forum too. Many of us have been where you are at some point. I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006 and I'm still trying to work out what I can and can't eat.

The main thing is you are not alone and you can come to this forum as often as you like. There is a great deal of experience here and before too long someone will have an answer or reassuarance for you.

Good luck with the doctors appointment. We have an opportunity others don't, that is to learn how our bodies work and our relationship with food. It has certainly been a learning curve for me.
Hi Julie,

You should make a list of your concerns and tell these to your doctor.

Medication can have side effects, so ask your doctor about these.

If your doctor does decide to put you on medication then ask your doctor for an explanation why.

I found out a lot of the things I can and can't eat by testing my blood glucose 2 hours after eating.

Don't worry, you'll be OK.
Hi Julie..

Can i just say what Brightontez and the others have said....🙂

take care

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