GP support services could be 'offshored' to India

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Exclusive Administrative support services for GPs could be outsourced to India under proposals to be considered by NHS England to slash costs, Pulse has learnt.

The proposal, which could involve unidentified support functions being ‘off-shored’ to NHS Shared Business Service’s operations in India, is one of two proposals to provide services that also include processing medical records and performer and contractor list administration.

NHS England will vote on this proposal at its board meeting next week, alongside an alternative proposal to keep the services in-house but reduce the number of offices from 38 overall to 13, and a third option billed as ‘full market testing with an open public procurement’.

But GP leaders have said that removing the local aspect of the support services could lead to the loss of local expertise, which could cause further problems for practices.

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Ever wish you'd invested in BUPA?
Shakes head and slaps forehead.

Corrupt or incompetent, the lot of them!!

Andy 😡
and ypauly wants us to think about who we might vote for. Yes, let's all do that.

Well thanks; I think I definitely know who NOT to vote for, don't I? (if I hadn't worked that one out before)
This is utterly nutterly. In fact, it's the wackiest nacky notion the Condems have come up with yet. It's insane. Please, please lord, let the Scots vote for Independence!
Err, if you get Independence, I hope you won't expect the English and Welsh to have their Income Tax affairs dealt with in your country?

I don't think I want to let a load of foreigners know my personal business, it's like the NHS outsourcing to India !

And of course our English Official Secrets Act might be impossible to impose on any foreign Government which could be potentially quite dangerous if they can talk about personal info openly without any comeback on it.

I spose there will have to be an exchange rate between your pound and our pound, ours are Pounds Sterling, what will yours be called? It will depend on what other World currencies think of your money and your industries may find the EEC boycotts your products. But there again don't spose they eat all that much Haggis in The Hague, do they?

We could always stop that firm in Slough stop exporting their Mars bars to Scotland, thus you will be deprived of your top selling snack.

I'd be quite interested to know what the Grouse thinks about it, he seems a deep thinker .......

Oh bugger - just remembered I quite like Irn Bru !!!!
This is utterly nutterly. In fact, it's the wackiest nacky notion the Condems have come up with yet. It's insane. Please, please lord, let the Scots vote for Independence!

Doesn't Scotland already have some control over its health policies under the existing devolution of powers to Holyrood?

Andy 🙂
Oh bugger - just remembered I quite like Irn Bru !!!!

What? Don't forget that Irn Bru is as much England's as Scotland's! 😉

If Scotland refuses to share Irn Bru, then Scotland can have all the debt!!

(only joking, in case there are any rabid Scottish/English radicals about).

Andy 🙂

p.s. Sorry, getting a bit off-topic!
Doesn't Scotland already have some control over its health policies under the existing devolution of powers to Holyrood?

Andy 🙂
Yes, it does, to a degree, hence the free prescriptions for all and no hospital parking fees. But some changes are imposed from Westmonster whether we want them or not.

Trophy, you can have the Mars Bars, but we'll keep the IrnBru, and it would be Pounds Scots just as it's always been, we already have our own bank notes and coins. 🙂
Yes, it does, to a degree, hence the free prescriptions for all and no hospital parking fees. But some changes are imposed from Westmonster whether we want them or not.

Trophy, you can have the Mars Bars, but we'll keep the IrnBru, and it would be Pounds Scots just as it's always been, we already have our own bank notes and coins. 🙂
But unfortunately we do not have any Scottish Banks!
The NHS already outsources secretarial services to India, I couldn't believe that my daughter has to dictate letters to parents and the dictation then gets sent to India for transcription and she then has to correct them before printing (if you get a strange letter from your consultant you can guess why that is). Most times it's quicker for her to type them herself (waste of a consultant's time and NHS resources).
The NHS already outsources secretarial services to India, I couldn't believe that my daughter has to dictate letters to parents and the dictation then gets sent to India for transcription and she then has to correct them before printing (if you get a strange letter from your consultant you can guess why that is). Most times it's quicker for her to type them herself (waste of a consultant's time and NHS resources).

That's just duplication of effort! Bigwigs who make these decisions don't really think about things very well in my experience. The 'headline' saving might look great, but they tend to gloss over the fact that the reduction in effort/cost rarely matches expectations. A company I worked for outsourced their IT to India (including my job). Fair enough, they worked for a fifth of the pay as UK staff - but it took them 10 times as long to achieve things because they were unfamiliar with the systems, and as it was a huge Indian company, they rotated staff on a 6-month basis so none of their staff ever got to fully understand the complexities of the business and systems. Once it's done though, and the skills are gone, there is no way back.
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