GP second appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So, today, I saw my doctor, a month after my diagnosis. She looked at my blood and urine results and the chart where I wrote my blood sugar numbers twice every day as well as what I had eaten that day.
She was very pleased. She said my blood results were better than she expected, that it's very good that my HbA1c dropped from 75 to 60.7 in less than 3 weeks and just suggested I should add more protein in my diet. Also, she said I don't need to finger prick every day from now on. She suggested every 2 days, preferably one day in the morning and the next time after lunch. Finally, that during my holidays (next month) I should make sure I swim at least half an hour a day since it will be too hot here for long walks.
She wrote me a new prescription of Metformin, wished me happy holidays and said she'll see me again in September. 🙂
Pleased to hear that your appointment went so well, with lots of positives and good advice. Thanks for sharing.
Well done on your result Also, super impressed you managed to see a GP in person.
I'm not sure what you mean. Is that difficult to do in the UK? I'm in Greece myself.
Ah, that explains it Difficult in my surgery isn't even close. Impossible is more like it.
I'm not sure what you mean. Is that difficult to do in the UK? I'm in Greece myself.
The fact you are in Greece perhaps explains what seemed like quite odd advice about testing and what foods to have/not have. But you seem to have done well with the approach you have taken.
The fact you are in Greece perhaps explains what seemed like quite odd advice about testing and what foods to have/not have. But you seem to have done well with the approach you have taken.
About testing, yes, it could be a different approach by doctors over here.
But about what foods not to have, I don't think there's a big difference. I mean our diet is different to yours (for example, the other day I had calf liver which I imagine is not very common in the UK?) but sugar and carbs are the same everywhere, aren't they?
About testing, yes, it could be a different approach by doctors over here.
But about what foods not to have, I don't think there's a big difference. I mean our diet is different to yours (for example, the other day I had calf liver which I imagine is not very common in the UK?) but sugar and carbs are the same everywhere, aren't they?
Yes some people eat liver, lamb's, calf and chicken livers.
Visited a few times but once with my daughter who is vegetarian and she struggled with main courses but the starters were the best option to have 2 or 3 of those as her main course.
Never forget the really lush ripe tomatoes.
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