GP advice

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a GP who seems to suggest that every ache i have is linked to my type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed in my late thirties. I have always had good control. I changed my GP 20 years agi and the first conversations i had was your life expectancy us 25 % lower. We need to put you on statins and can we change your insulin.

I have contacted the sugery due to ongong tendonitis and possible arthritis too. The initial convesation was diabetic orientated. The first info relayed to me rather than why ihad the blood test was the diabetic info rather than the main reason.

I was told cholesterol was 4.2 and Hba test was 63 compared to two years ago at 55. Are these two results serooys enough for him to express concern and try and push me on to statins?

Can i ask my local hospital to take over an annual review rather than my GP?
I believe the recommendation for statins is that anyone over the age of 40 with diabetes should take statins regardless of their HBa1C and cholesterol readings. You do not have to follow these recommendations (I don't) but statistics tell us we are more at risk of heart disease.

My understanding was that anyone with Type 1 diabetes should be under the care of a dedicated diabetes team rather than a general practitioner. However, don't be fooled into thinking they will not be interested in statins.

I am not a doctor but your HbA1c does not appear to be super high. However, I would be concerned if my levels were rising adn would ask for assistance to lower it. For example, do you have a Libre? If not, you may want to request it (Diabetes UK are saying 50% of us have them now).

I have had the "your symptoms are taking longer to heal because you have diabetes" conversations a few times but I tend to counter it by asking whether that is likely given my HbA1c. I think it is an easy excuse for some doctors but, in my experience, they will back down if you question them.

It sounds to me as if you would benefit from seeing a dedicated diabetes team to help with your diabetes management.
I believe the recommendation for statins is that anyone over the age of 40 with diabetes should take statins regardless of their HBa1C and cholesterol readings. You do not have to follow these recommendations (I don't) but statistics tell us we are more at risk of heart disease.

My understanding was that anyone with Type 1 diabetes should be under the care of a dedicated diabetes team rather than a general practitioner. However, don't be fooled into thinking they will not be interested in statins.

I am not a doctor but your HbA1c does not appear to be super high. However, I would be concerned if my levels were rising adn would ask for assistance to lower it. For example, do you have a Libre? If not, you may want to request it (Diabetes UK are saying 50% of us have them now).

I have had the "your symptoms are taking longer to heal because you have diabetes" conversations a few times but I tend to counter it by asking whether that is likely given my HbA1c. I think it is an easy excuse for some doctors but, in my experience, they will back down if you question them.

It sounds to me as if you would benefit from seeing a dedicated diabetes team to help with your diabetes management.

I know it sounds weird but you have a sense of worthlessness when your GP talks down to you and seems overly critical. Do as much as i can to keep good control. The fact I have been inactive due to tendonitis and suspected arthritis in my feet due to broken bones years ago, over the past 3 months seems irrelevant to my Hba readings which i cant agree with....
@MGR are you on fixed insulin dose?
When my levels are higher (due to inactivity), I find I need to increase my basal and do some correction bolus doses.
Maybe you can use this as leverage for getting referred to a diabetes clinic to provide advice on how to manage your diabetes in different situations.
Hi. I'm lucky as I have an excellent DN who keeps up to date and doesn't patronise. My diabetes GP is arrogant. Although I'm listed still as T2, my behaviour is towards T1 so I now have an endo keeping an eye on me as well as the DN and we have sensible chats. Yes, I would ask to be referred to the local diabetes team. Ref statins I would only take them if my various lipids ratios were 'bad. The total figure is pretty meaningless and 4.2 is pretty good anyway as an indicator. I do take them and they have no downside for me but many do have problems or have a dosage that's too high which can be harmful.
@MGR are you on fixed insulin dose?
When my levels are higher (due to inactivity), I find I need to increase my basal and do some correction bolus doses.
Maybe you can use this as leverage for getting referred to a diabetes clinic to provide advice on how to manage your diabetes in different situations.
Type so vary my injections
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