got realy scared last night

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i woke up at around 3.15 this morning, jump out of my sleep feeling i couldnt breath, sat on edge of my bed sweating and shaking realy bad and my head spinning. was going to wake my hubby to come down stairs with me so i could test but i new he had to get up for work at 4.30 so i just sat for a few minutes an got back into bed once i felt abit better an thankfully fell back to sleep. woke this morning thinking id dreamed it all but i know i didnt. only thing i can think of was that ive not been sleeping to well, takes me ages to dose of because my feet are so tingly. could i just have been over tierd? or could this have been a hypo? it realy scared me as this is the first this has happened. my levels this morning were 5.4 so thats good as usaly mine are around 7 in mornings. thanks for any avice xxx
Do you have digestive problems? Sounds to me how I sometimes get when reflux is bad. Have had stomach ulcers for years and now the oesophogus (sp) is acting up I can sometimes jerk awake with the feeling I have stopped breathing, never going to breathe again etc and that is apparently the acid from my stomach. But, I don't feel unwell just very shaky and scared. So it isn't real acid like heartburn but gassy acid that used to make me think I was going mad.

Sound familiar?

I actually got referred to a sleep disorder clinic and it was the consultant there who explained it to me. As soon as he learned I was on the stomach med, he knew immediately what it was. I was scared I was going to go to sleep and never wake up again.

If you don't think you have digestive problems, ask your doc to check.

Hope this helps.
In theory, being on metformin, I wouldn't expect it to have been a hypo.

I know that once or twice, shortly after diagnosis, I woke up in the night and frankly had a bit of a panic attack. Being diagnosed with such a potentially nasty condition was a bit of a shock. However, now that I know more about it and am generally in control of my levels (although I'm due an HbA1c test shortly which may disprove that!), I'm a bit more relaxed about things now.

Perhaps you've not quite come to terms with it yet?

Andy ("Amateur Psychologist") HB 🙂
Miles away from the reason proberbly but you have moved recently,that can mean alot of stress maybe why your having difficulty with sleep, but i agree with Marg i have had that once happen to me x Good luck
Do you have digestive problems? Sounds to me how I sometimes get when reflux is bad. Have had stomach ulcers for years and now the oesophogus (sp) is acting up I can sometimes jerk awake with the feeling I have stopped breathing, never going to breathe again etc and that is apparently the acid from my stomach. But, I don't feel unwell just very shaky and scared. So it isn't real acid like heartburn but gassy acid that used to make me think I was going mad.

Sound familiar?

I actually got referred to a sleep disorder clinic and it was the consultant there who explained it to me. As soon as he learned I was on the stomach med, he knew immediately what it was. I was scared I was going to go to sleep and never wake up again.

If you don't think you have digestive problems, ask your doc to check.

Hope this helps.

yeah i do suffer tummy problems marg, im on omaprazol tablets (spelt something like that) it does sound familiar, thought i was going to die. i do think stress with moving as steff said has apart to play in it all aswel because ive been so tierd but as soon as i go to bed i just cant sleep. im also due my b12 injection next week so maybe that will give me abit more engery. hopefully it was a one off. thanks for your advice 🙂
A practical point - make sure blood glucose meter is in the same room as you, preferably within reach of bed, particularly when sleeping, so you won't have to go downstairs to find it.
As AndyHB says, a hypo is unlikely with metformin, but anyone can have a hypo, regardless of diabetes, usually during / after extreme exercise. Other explanations, such as stress, panic attacks & sleep disorders are worth exploring with GP.
A practical point - make sure blood glucose meter is in the same room as you, preferably within reach of bed, particularly when sleeping, so you won't have to go downstairs to find it.
As AndyHB says, a hypo is unlikely with metformin, but anyone can have a hypo, regardless of diabetes, usually during / after extreme exercise. Other explanations, such as stress, panic attacks & sleep disorders are worth exploring with GP.

thanks copepod. a realy good point an i will have my meter upstairs with me when i go to bed from now on.
It really is a horrible sensation and I would not wish it on anyone. Thinking about it, it has happened once or twice since my diagnosis so perhaps there is a stress element too. Makes sense I suppose with the stomach problems too.

Next time you are at the docs mention it and he may increase the med you are on or even change it taking into account all your other meds.
It really is a horrible sensation and I would not wish it on anyone. Thinking about it, it has happened once or twice since my diagnosis so perhaps there is a stress element too. Makes sense I suppose with the stomach problems too.

Next time you are at the docs mention it and he may increase the med you are on or even change it taking into account all your other meds.

thanks marg, ive actuly made an appointment to see my doctor on friday to ask her about increasing my meds for my feet as she put me on a low dose an told me to come back to see her in a couple of months so i will mention all this to her. im still finding it very hard getting of to sleep at night which ive never had a problem with before i was dignosed so i realy do think it has something to do with not coping with my diabetes, maybe i realy havent acepted it as much as i thought. will let you know what happens when i see her on friday.
Thanks for the update Tracey, I was wondering how you were going on.

Good luck at the docs. I didn't mention it to my doctor for ages as I deemed it too trivial - shows how much I know!
thanks marg, ive actuly made an appointment to see my doctor on friday to ask her about increasing my meds for my feet as she put me on a low dose an told me to come back to see her in a couple of months so i will mention all this to her. im still finding it very hard getting of to sleep at night which ive never had a problem with before i was dignosed so i realy do think it has something to do with not coping with my diabetes, maybe i realy havent acepted it as much as i thought. will let you know what happens when i see her on friday.

Good luck for Friday hun xx
thanks steffie 🙂 xxx
well im just back from seeing my doctor, i told her my feet were feeling realy sore and she put my dose up from 1 tablet to 3 tablets a day to see if this will help, she has also refered me to a nuropathy (cant spell it) i mentioned about my sleep problem and about the night i woke up feeling bad and she said it could be to do with being stressed and not getting a proper nights sleep so im over tierd. have to give these pills ago for about a month an see how it goes. hopefully my feet and sleep will improve. also got my b12 injection today which will be for the next 3 months so hopefully that will give me more engery 🙂
well im just back from seeing my doctor, i told her my feet were feeling realy sore and she put my dose up from 1 tablet to 3 tablets a day to see if this will help, she has also refered me to a nuropathy (cant spell it) i mentioned about my sleep problem and about the night i woke up feeling bad and she said it could be to do with being stressed and not getting a proper nights sleep so im over tierd. have to give these pills ago for about a month an see how it goes. hopefully my feet and sleep will improve. also got my b12 injection today which will be for the next 3 months so hopefully that will give me more engery 🙂

Hi Tracey hope the upped dosage does the trick hun, and getting referred to the nuero pathy person will hopefully sort your foot issue xx
well im just back from seeing my doctor, i told her my feet were feeling realy sore and she put my dose up from 1 tablet to 3 tablets a day to see if this will help, she has also refered me to a nuropathy (cant spell it) i mentioned about my sleep problem and about the night i woke up feeling bad and she said it could be to do with being stressed and not getting a proper nights sleep so im over tierd. have to give these pills ago for about a month an see how it goes. hopefully my feet and sleep will improve. also got my b12 injection today which will be for the next 3 months so hopefully that will give me more engery 🙂

Glad that some positive steps have been taken Tracey 🙂 Looking at when you were diagnosed, it may be that the foot pains are due to the fact that your levels are rapidly coming under control. This can make the nerves very sensitive for a while and is known as transient neuropathy, which means that it should improve as your levels become more settled at the new, lower levels. The increased medication should help you to achieve that, hopefully 🙂

Hope that you are sleeping better soon and feeling more sprightly!
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