Got pump start date

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I now have a start date of 20 November so very excited and nervous! Tomorrow I go to learn all the buttons and take the pump home to get familiar with it while my nurse is on holiday, then it should be all systems go.

I was waiting for the Roche update in January but the launch has been delayed so am getting the current model for nine months then will change to the new one.

After reading all your comments over the past few months I am feeling positive, but what does worry me a little is what to do with the pump at night. My partner says I fidget a lot so don't want to tangle the tubing. I wear scrappy PJs so am trying to work out where the pump will be safest. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Hi Maryanne,
simple solution for the tubing is to make sure you put a bit of tape across the tubing about an inch from the cannula so any pull does not put pressure on your cannula or pull it out.
Most comfy place I have found for pump is to clip it on the front of pj bottoms. Many others find using a bit of tubie grip to attach pump to arm or leg works very well.
Thank you, I will try these ideas. I think whatever small difficulties I find I can overcome and can't wait for the extra freedom I should get!
Good luck with the big switchover! Sue's suggestions are spot on 🙂
Sounds like good news to me & good luck. A bit trial & error at first but really worth it ! 😎
Err, mine's on a free rein in bed!

So far only once in the 2+ years I've had it so far, have I become entangled in it and that was when I was getting up to test cos I'd woken up, cos I was hypo. I turn over a lot back and forth, but somehow, it comes with me. Whether I actually pick it up and move it with me in my sleep, I have no idea!
Great that you have a date for starting.

I've had mine a few weeks now. I feel like I have got to grips with wearing it and working my way through the menus and stuff but still lots of work to do on getting basal rates and so one set up.

At night I've just put the pump on the bed beside me, I was worried that I would get tangled in it but it doesn't seem to have happened, so far at least. I do need to learn to remember to pick it up when I get up to go to the loo though!
Oooh er Maryanne, I start the day before you and I'm also using the Roche combo, so we can learn together. I have slept with the pump on for only one night, but I allowed it to roam free and it wasn't a problem at all.
I only have a demo pump at the mo and no canulas etc so haven't been able to have it connected. The first time will be when I go live! I have an all day meeting at work the next day so that should prove interesting with all the extra testing! :D
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