Got my pump

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Lorraine hunt

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well got my pump today the Animas Vibe, saline for this week then into insulin from 18th, any useful tips very welcome, am sure will get my head around it all
No help at all but hope it goes well.
The easiest is, when you do get stuck LOL (not if !!) just scream for help here and you'll get it.

But the mainest main thing out of all the main stuff is always -Do NOT panic! LOL

(Oh and when you discover you hate it, a few weeks after you start, don't give up. You CAN sort it out, actually, it's only logic - just a different sort of logic from what's ingrained in you from being on MDI. Pump logic will replace it - well actually, no not replace it - ADD to it very soon!)
Buy yourself pumping insulin By John Walsh (Amazon)
So pleased to hear you have your pump. I was pleased to get mine and was again pleased when the first week was over and started on insulin, a DSN kept in contact with me every day or two for the first two weeks and between us we ironed out the basal rates that suited me and the bolus just came natural. I am now quite confident at making adjustments to my basal rates as and when my body requires them and I am so pleased with the results.

Good luck

jusme 🙂
I still write my basal rates down and date it. I now have a little book of the changes I have to make to the rates with dates etc. and it's quite interesting looking back at the changes and varying degrees of total insulin I have needed over the last 4 years. You can get the data from your pump of course but I was always told to do this as well in case of pump failure so that I'd have them written down. I also note down the carb ratios, sensitivity and active insulin time. All the best with it - it will all feel alien to begin with but I'm sure you'll become attached to it (excused the pun) very soon.
I love my pump.

As others have said, don't worry if at times it seems too hard. It get easier. You're learning an entirely new way to control your diabetes. And in the long run it'll be amazing. Wild horses won't get between me and my pump now.
I actually find pumping is the same as MDI in terms of dosing and carbs, apart from the basal injection and basal rate, everything is the same...........

the results are different though, better results.........😉
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