Got it right today'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Did something right with my 3 1/2 week old pump. Needed to go Christmas shopping so stopped for breakfast before we started. I had poached egg on toast. Then at 12.00 had a cappuccino. After that no food and tested BG at 5.30 and it was a perfect 4.4. if I can keep this up I will be happy and feel I'm achieving something!:D
Brilliant. Sounds like you should go shopping more often too! :D
Yes Redkite, I clearly do need to do a lot more shopping as it keeps me on track. Don't think my bank will see it the same way though! 🙂
I love 4.4s. Did you test at any other time of the day?

I woke to 4.4 and all was good until I had a bit of a nibble pre-dinner and hit 9.3 before the meal, but that was my own fault!

Shopping is always good for me
Sounds like a great day, hopefully one of many more to come.

It is a great feeling though, those good days are keeping me going while I'm working on the not so good (and the downright terrible) days with getting it all set up.
Yay! Hang on to those good days 🙂
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