Got Insight!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got my upgrade to the Insight yesterday and so far so good. Three of us being upgraded had a "training session" which was good - and it was nice meeting some other local pumpers. I'm going to take some time later to go through everything and order new cannulas etc but think I'm going to like the Insight - it does all seem to operate very logically though. :D
Great news MaryAnne. Look forward to hearing how you get on with it.
Still haven't heard about mine, mutter mutter mutter LOL

Really pleased with mine
I'm loving my Insight and finding the whole thing very simple and easy to use. Cartridges are changed in seconds meaning the small volume they hold is not an issue - I get through a lot in a day. I even changed a cartridge while on the computer at work the other day! Love it.
The only thing I am less happy with, and I will get used to it, is the cannula. It is bulkier than the one I was using with the Combo and I have caught it a couple of times. But I'm sure time will sort this out.
Definitely can say I love my Insight. :D
I also love my insight. I love the little keyboard, which you can use to write notes about glucose levels. The handset is great. All in all it is a great piece of kit.🙂
I still haven't heard about mine, mutter mutter mutter again .....
Hope to get mine on 28th April 🙂 cannulas have always been my problem, so hoping they will be ok.
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