Thought I would post an update, got a loan pump at the start of the month, along with just one reservoir (not good I know) so had three days with the pump before the reservoir was empty. then the weekend back on MDI, could almost straight away tell the difference, less ennrgy and back to being tired all the time.
Was given two boxes of reservoirs the following Monday so filled one up and reconnected the pump to myself. Since then, I have done 3 more fill ups and startwd learning more about the pump and its features.On the Thursday of last week my own pump was ordered by my PCT and it arrived this Thursday so I phoned my DSN who gave me permission to set it up as per the loan one and start using it yesterday. I have done so, includong connecting the remote to it (just for suspending delivery and quick boluses) and connecting the meter I was given by the trainer.
I have had a few highs and lows where I have miscalculated the amount of carbs in a meal and I still need to get the Basals set right which I will try to do on Monday when I am not at work so can test properly.
Things I have noticed, one, I have far more energy during the day and do not want to come home from work and go straight to sleep, my BGs have been more stable during the day, and I am able to go longer at work before needing a breakk four hours on Wednesday ;-)
Overall I am enjoying being on the pump, even with all the extra testing that I now need to do.