Goodish news


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just got the result of my HBA1C test and it came up with a 42. I know I can do better and I am still pre-diabetic but
I expected a 46 but seems not eating spuds, rice, pasta and bread has done most of the work.
I havent been walking much lately either its either been raining, looking like it was going to rain or windy or I just couldnt be bothered!
I have been drinking too much wine as well.
So my next goal will be to get to 39 from 42. Make sure I get a test before the Christmas festivities commence!

I could celebrate this result with a 6 pack of Seabrooks crisps but that might get me back to old habits.
Well done. I do tend to celebrate the day of my blood test with a really nice large ciabatta sandwich. Once every 6 months is fine by me.
I check mine every 3 months as someone told me you change your blood every 3 months and if I have been a naughty boy I can put it right sooner. Its a terrible thing Type 2 as I love mash crisps, bread, pasta and more!
Having a better result than expected means I have been pre-diabetic since May I think so just a little extra effort to get me below 40mmols/mol. Maybe give up aniseed balls and eat less fruit and do more exercise! No chocolate, no whiskey!
Embrace the veg!
Great to hear your result was lower than you expected @lordburnside - always nice when that happens. :party:

Sounds like you have some positive changes in mind to get to your target, but IMO you are doing great, and maintenance at your ‘low 40s’ might be just as good or better than pushing hard for 30s, then getting burned out and falling off the wagon. <3
Thanks for your advice. I think I could try a bit harder and it will do me no harm.
I will always keep jumping off the wagon for a biscuit or something. I havent that much will power.
Think how smug I can be if I got a 39.
Alternatively my business partner has been diabetic for several years and asked me to show him how to test his BG. He is on Metformin. He hasn't checked his BG in 5 or 6 years. I keep telling him to take things seriously.
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