Good work by Medtronic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I phoned yesterday after my pump gave up the ghost. It took it's damn time doing so and I thought the highs I was getting could have been attributed to an infection of sorts but it seems it's because my pump was gradually getting knackered. After disappearing to Guildford for the day I've come home to find a new pump here and a free postage label to send back my knackered one with for whatever the boffins do to them. This one is all nice and shiney. Also a dead replica of that last one. Some things on it are a little different but all is well.

That's good news Tom - now you can get back on track - though if the last one had been slowly giving up the ghost it might take a little while to be fully up and running again.
Good news Tom you can finally get back on track x
Hi Tom,

Thats good news - did they send you any skins with it.🙂Bev
No skins sadly. I've lost the ones from FFL. Oh well.

Interestingly my numbers were good today. Despite being on MDI once more.
Just something in the way that the reservoir set up happens. Can't put my finger on it exactly but there's a little something slightly different about the sequence of it.
Brilliant Tom. Can I have your permission to cut and paste your first post please and send to my Medtronic contact. I am sending good feedback as well as other stuff but only with your permission.

I'm glad it is ok now and you are sorted. 🙂
Go for it Adrienne. They've done well. Well, I expected nothing less to be frank.
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