Good Things about Having Diabetes, Believe It or Not

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It may be hard to believe there are good things about having diabetes if you have the disease or live with someone who does. However, there is something to be said about viewing a glass as half full instead of half empty, and about looking for some of the positive things to be said about having diabetes, which may help you better cope with and manage the disease.

What?s good about having diabetes?
A recent study reported on how motivational training helped patients with diabetes develop a positive attitude and ultimately improve metabolic control. The study involved 61 adults who participated in a motivational program designed to change mental attitude and beliefs, but not teach patients about diabetes.

After three months, the participants saw improvements in their weight, body mass index, blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and hemoglobin A1c percentages. The study?s authors noted that ?as these improvements were maintained long-term, this points to sustainable lifestyle change.?
Another 'study' of only a very small number of T2s who I would presume were already motivated to adopt a change in lifestyle and therefore more likely to change.

As for the good things:
You can politely avoid food. An acquaintance told me this positive aspect of diabetes. Whenever she wants to avoid eating something someone has made (her example was an aunt who is a terrible baker who keeps making all sorts of baked goods), she can say, ?I can?t eat that because of my diabetes.?
😱 Thats going to improve others perception of diabetics.
Vic, you're probably right about the motivation and study design.

I must confess to using a modified version of the line you quoted: "because I'm diabetic I need to watch the carbs that I eat, but I'll have a very small piece so I know what everyone else is raving about".
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