Good progress on Remission but...

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I was diagnosed with Type 2 in August and with major changes to diet I have been able to bring my blood sugar down to below 7 and am no longer on meds. So this is great news.

But - my digestion is awful. I have been on a low carb (30g - 50g a day) diet since January, and I then got Covid. I have had to use immodium to do anything particularly in the morning. It is not as bad as when I was on metforminm, but it is still not normal.

Any suggestions as to what I can do?
Not useful sorry but I immediately thought of this tweet from a doc I follow on twitter 🙂

More useful: maybe eat more fibre - seeds and nuts if you don't want to eat more fruit/veg - but ideally all of these.
Yes - i eat a lot of nuts but you are right my intestines seem to be craving bread
It maybe your gut bacterial flora needs rebalancing so probiotic yoghurts with live cultures may help or you can get capsules from somewhere like Holland and Barrett.
Yes - i eat a lot of nuts but you are right my intestines seem to be craving bread
A lot of nuts might be the problem - try stopping them for a few days and see if there is improvement.
It maybe your gut bacterial flora needs rebalancing so probiotic yoghurts with live cultures may help or you can get capsules from somewhere like Holland and Barrett.
I don't think that'll hurt, but everything I've read suggest that unless you've just come off antibiotics or something, if you want to change your gut biota it's all about what you eat (eating varieties of vegetables, nuts, other things things containing fibre), and capsules of bacteria one can buy don't make a whole lot of difference. (But as I say, nothing wrong with live yogurts and things. Just don't expect magic.)
A psyllium husk Fibre drink like Fibogel should help to get things moving and produce well formed regular stools. I make my own with a combination of psyllium husk, chia seeds and water with a dash of balsamic vinegar and Apple Cider vinegar and a dash of diet cola just because I like that flavour combination and I think the ACV is beneficial. I give it a good stir, leave it to go a bit gelatinous for a few minutes, give it another stir and drink it down. Sounds disgusting but I quite like it. You could omit the ACV/balsamic/cola and use sugar free squash instead. Basically it sends a bulk of soluble fibre gel through your digestive tract gently moving everything along with it and clearing the system. I have never had such good bowel movements in all my life as I consistently do now that I have adopted this morning fibre drink. It keeps my system regular and easy well formed stools...... which score top ratings on the Bristol Stool Chart I will have you know 😉 .... and if you haven't ever seen that, Google it .... or maybe not 🙄
Soluble fibre and plenty of fluids is the key to keeping a steady movement through the digestive tract and an easy exit and a happy gut in my experience. When I first started low carb I had real problems until I adopted this morning drink routine.
Hi - you haven't said, but were you prescribed Metformin?
Sorry to hear about your tummy troubles @ChrisFyfe :(

What else are you eating alongside your low carbs. Are you eating lots of low carb leafy veggies to bulk things out? How much protein are you including? What about pulses?
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