Good news


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well what a difference a few days can make.

I was at the hospital yesterday to see the DN and she says I seem to have got my glucose levels down to a really good level and that I should be really proud of myself

She was going to speak to the consultant who first saw me wheh I was admitted to hospital, as he wanted to treat me as tupe 1 first because of the bug I had and see if levels came down and then maybe change me over to type 2

Also signed off work for another week so have another week to adapt. Out on Saturday night for my mums birthday. She is type 2 and so is my brother so helps slightly knowing they have to make the same decisions as me at the dinner table

Anyway we will and see what happens

Well done!

It really is a rollercoaster of a ride isnt it? At least there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel now!
Have a nice time at the meal. Bev x
Enjoy your meal. Hope they soon sort things out for you.