Good news

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Our 20 week scan this week went well. We had to go for a detailed heart scan cos of the risk of heart defects, but it was fine. I was really worried cos my (pre-existing) diabetes was picked up at the end of the first trimester so my blood sugar was out of control while all the development was happening. Such a relief to see a whole healthy baby wriggling away in there 🙂
I'm so pleased for you, what great news! Hoping that all progresses well!🙂
Thats wonderful news! I hope we get to see pics of the little one when its born?:D Bev
Thanks all 🙂

Bev, yes there will be photos. Cute ones at that 😉

Tasha, we don't know. We chose not to find out. We don't really care, it's more fun this way, and we really don't want a world of pink or blue. Just happy to have a healthy baby on the way </cliches>.
Congratulations and welcome to the club!!

Congratulations and welcome to the club!!🙂
I am now 29+ weeks - and had 28 week scan last week - and baby perfectly normal so far - but now in the massive growth stage - so fingers crossed form here on in. Insulin need is gradually getting larger (as is belly!)
I meant to say congratulations to you too Admin 🙂

Is that the low saturated fat, low sugar pudding club?:D
I like it. Though I'd much rather have the full fat full sugar version *drools*
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