Good News and wanted to share

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Joined the board following diagnosis at end of July
do not post often but look every day just wanted to share my good news. Had my first review HbAic now 5.6 down from 7.5. Weight down 14kgs (still a lot more to go)
Protein in Urine and cholesterol(the bad one) a bit high but GP does not want to put me on statins yet will wait unitl next review in 3 months.

Most of my information and support had come from reading these boards - l told the nurse how much help you have all been and recommended that all newly diagnosed should be given this site.

An enormous thank you to everyone - a great team
I am glad we have helped you. Thank you for sharing your good news with us and thank you for telling the nurse about us too.
good news and well done scarlessholie , im pleased things are looking so rosy and that this place and us have helped so much x
Wow scarletthollie! What excellent news! That is a terrific A1C - welcome to the 5% club! And 14 kg since the end of July? Brilliant! It's great to hear such good news, thank you for letting us know🙂

Interesting too, that you have a good supportive doctor who is not just automatically adding to your medications, as many seem to do regardless. Keep up the good work, and keep reading - there's always something new to learn🙂
That IS great news, thanks for sharing. Well done on the weight loss (a subject close to my own heart!). I'm sure if fyou carry on managing things so well the other things will improve too.

Lovely to know that this site has been a great help to you.

Well done they are fantastic results!

Have they put you on anything for the protein in the urine?

As you've probably seen there has been some threads on statins, so it's worth looking into the information avaliable before you decide whether or not you want to take them, and you can discuss with your GP.
Great stuff that. Well done!

Best wishes - John
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