Good luck

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to wish rainbow look as the journey between her and her pump begins today so i hope it all runs as smoothly as possible, happy pumping xx
happy pumpingday Rainbow ...good luck !🙂
woohoo how exciting...all the best..looking forward to your update 🙂 x
Oh thank you everyone, your messages of support are really appreciated. Well, I'm pumping and my heads throbbing! Had to crack open the glucotabs twice since I've been back so just hoping it's the Levemir in my system and it will settle soon. No doubt there will be questions galore soon! Thank you x
Good luck with your new pump - if you have any questions you know where we are!🙂Bev
Hi Rainbow,

welcome to the world of pumping.

Most people that mo ve to pumps tend to find that their insulin requirements are less than they were on MDI.

You may find that you have quite a few hypos until you get your basal rate sorted out.

If your transition to the pump is anything like mine was, you will be in for quite a bit of testing and dosage adjusting over the next few weeks.
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