good days and bad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have been wondering if anyone else has noticed that there are an awful lot of people on this forum who are having a bad time at the moment :( ?

I know we all have good days and bad ones too, I would be interested to know if there is a pattern to it or is it just coincidence?

Whatever it is I hp that all those people who are struggling at the moment feel much betta very soon and life improves for them, take care, and remember tomorrow is another day. Love to all, Shirl 🙂
Thats a real sweet post, Shirl. Also reminds us what is great about the forum- that we care for each other x
Thanx Lou 🙂,

by the way I managed to put pictures of cards on hp u got to see them, take care, shirl x
Thanx sugarbum,

I only hp that those who are struggling at the moment get some comfort, think its so important we all know that we are cared for and loved coz life is all to short,

take care, shirl x
Fab posting Shirl and very relevent to me at the minute, my personal view on my depression is that at the end of every month i go into a deep depression weather or not it is cause all the bills need paying then goodness knows but it always seems to be from the 27th of every month onwards,also my monthlys start around then as well so i dont know if that adds to it or not.
Hi Lou, only just logged on, went to bed early! Pictures are on pg 6 of gen forum under good day again dated 25-4 hp u like 'em. Hp all well with u today, shirl x
Ah Steff, is not good is it? Take heart my lv there are people who think about and care for you muchly!

This diabetes thing on its own is bad enough but coupled with monthlies . . . . . . well we don't stand a chance do we? I know that when I hd my monthly my depression used to be worse, but hd a hysterical-rectomy (lol) and the depression has changed, but bit drastic for you I guess, but I'm an old fogey!

Do know tho that things will pick up for you given time, just know I will be there for u if u need to rant an rave or laugh an cry, take care lv shirl x
Ah Steff, is not good is it? Take heart my lv there are people who think about and care for you muchly!

This diabetes thing on its own is bad enough but coupled with monthlies . . . . . . well we don't stand a chance do we? I know that when I hd my monthly my depression used to be worse, but hd a hysterical-rectomy (lol) and the depression has changed, but bit drastic for you I guess, but I'm an old fogey!

Do know tho that things will pick up for you given time, just know I will be there for u if u need to rant an rave or laugh an cry, take care lv shirl x

Thank you Shirl that means so much, people in here dont know how much it means to me when they say good words i take heart from it and know i have a real bunch of friends in here xx
You certainly hv! and hpflly so do we all 🙂 big hugs and kisses x x x
Have been wondering if anyone else has noticed that there are an awful lot of people on this forum who are having a bad time at the moment :( ?

I know we all have good days and bad ones too, I would be interested to know if there is a pattern to it or is it just coincidence?

Whatever it is I hp that all those people who are struggling at the moment feel much betta very soon and life improves for them, take care, and remember tomorrow is another day. Love to all, Shirl 🙂

Great thread 🙂 life has been hard for many of us at the moment and i think it does prove how much we all look out for eachother on the forum and its great as i have met many people through here and keep contact on facebook 🙂 i hope things start looking up for those (including myself) who have been havin downer days....

Ah bless ya, thanx just wanted people to know they are not alone!

Do hope that you have much betta days ahead, take care of yourself, lv shirl x
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