Good day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just a quick note to u all, today has been a good one! Managed to get two loads of washing done and dried, all I've got to do now is the ironing :(
which is my pet hate . . . . . this aftanoon my sister came and helped me sort out large plant pot to put my runner beans in when they're ready to transplant, my rhubarb is comin up (love it) and I've got some seed potatoes to put in! 🙂 hope it all tastes as good as I think it will! just gave me a break from thinking about diabetes and depression. Am taking the day for wot it was a good un . . . 🙂 hp that helps at least 1 other person, tomorrow is another day it may just be a good 'un too! take care all x
What a great post Shirl really well done, some days it really helps when you can just well not forget cause you cant but give your head some space away from the diabetes xx
Glad it's been a good day, mine hasn't been to bad either except that it appears i have been stood up on a phone date. my best friend has lost his phone he said he would get a new 1 today and call me but as it is now nearly my bed time i am begining to think he had a better offer. Oh well who needs him! hope tomorrow is just as good for both of us🙂
thanx Steff, know wot u mean bout not exactly being able to forget but a little respite occasionally does us all good . . . . . . . hp tomorrow is a good un for u, take care, shirl x
Hi Angela, ah bless ya, blokes huh? Tomorrow is another day, do hp its a good un for u 🙂 take care, shirl x
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