Good day - again!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
can't believe it two good days on the trot 😱 Not sure how its happenin but sooooo pleased it is! Maybe its the good weather huh?
Managed to start place name setting cards for a friends wedding hv already done the invites only got order of service left to do, yes! It has been so lvly to be able to do this for my friend, is good to feel useful instead of useless for a change 🙂
Anyway tomorrow is another day so hope ervy1 on forum has a good 'un, Shirl x
Good work!! I made my bouquet last night and making the place settings tonight =)
Hi Lou, think your bouquet was beautiful 🙂 will try to post picture of invites, etc on forum if u'd like to see my efforts, but it may take some time as I'm not too sure hw its done! Hubby may be able to help tho, lol x
Yeah definately! I upload them to photobucket first then use the code [IMG ...... to post them onto here x
Ok will give it a try! Am a bit of a technophobe tho, I may be sometime . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Great news im really pleased Shirl long may it continue hun xxx
Sorry photos not comin out very well, will try again tomorrow, is probably me am sure these things know I hvn't got a clue, lol x
Hi Steff, wish I could bottle whateva I'm doin at the moment, think I'd make a fortune! Just gotta keep goin an take each day as it comes, take care, shirl x
I liked reading your post, it made me feel better too!
Thanx Caroline, glad it made u feel betta too. An so far so good today too! Hp ur havin a good 'un,take care, shirl x
Hi Lou, gonna try sending photos again!



hp u can see 'em, shirl
Thanx northerner, hv enjoyed doin 'em an not just coz they're for my friend! Crafting helps me to not overthink things, if that makes sense!
You should talk to my daughter, she's into Anime (Japanese animation) an wants to go live in Japan when she's finished Art College an Uni. So proud of her, shirl x
Hi Lou, managed to get photos on, (with much help from lvly hubby) yay! . . . . would be interested to know wot u think! Hp u had a good time yesterday, take care, shirl x
Thanx Lou thats made my day! Was hping u'd like 'em, hp all going well with your preparations, take care, shirl x
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