Good boy this week


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I decided to turn over another new leaf on Monday. Now 5 days without alcohol and a very good diet - hardly a carb has passed by lips.
Felt a bit ropy for 3 days probably due to dehydration or alcohol withdrawal. Now 2.5lbs lighter and BG improved by a good margin averaging between 7.6 which is an improvement. I think this equates to HBA1C of 46 but lets see if I can get lower next week. I haven't done much walking this week because it never stops raining.

Now comes the weekend. Big shop tomorrow - need to be careful what I buy.
Saturday night do I open a bottle and make it last two days? Or two bottles and enjoy the sun?
Do I buy some chocolate? Temptation!

I guess I stick with the strict regime - damn! I may enjoy being 'healthier than thou' more than meringue and cream on strawberries?
Well done, never tried them but there's some decent alcohol free beer & wines about now according to tv radio radio reviews.
I'm not a fan of the alcohol free red wines I've tried, but the nosecco is quite nice! And found several nice alcohol free (or 0.5%) beers and ciders including some Polish ones that my friend has got for me from the Polish shop. Alcohol free beers, ciders and wines do tend to have carbs in though
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