Good ... and not so good

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was a bit put out after my first review in January and what with the cold weather I've been struggling to keep motivated with the diet. I keep picking myself up again and not beating myself up. Veggie count is still up on a regular basis, home cooking is still a regular feature with take away down to less than once a week and sticking to having breakfast so I'm please with myself for at least sticking to some things.

I had been looking around at exercise options and decided that I really wasn't ready for that but did invest in a Wii to up my exercise. It shouldn't be difficult to increase from nothing but of course it is. I'm trying to play some game, even if it is bowling for half an hour when I'm just through the door from work and before dinner.

So I was happy that I'm making the effort and making some steps in the right direction.

Then I ordered my repeat prescription for blood pressure tablets. When I went to the chemist to collect there were two prescriptions the other being for Metformin :(

Phoned the doctors and it turns out that the doctor wrote the script in mid January but I wasn't informed. I'd phoned for blood test results and been read the doctors notes but wasn't told that I had to get prescription.

I don't know if I'm more mad at having to go on the meds or not being told.

Hi there engineer nice to hear from you and see you posting again, firstly id like to say well done on buying yourself the wii i was only talking to some one yesterday about that , i play wii sports i like the tennis and the bowling both are really good and it does me good.Glad your still sticking to brekkies thats good i was the same i would skip then have then go back to skipping it but now i always have breakfast, good your still home cooking as well i find thats the best way at least you know whats going into your food lol.

Right as for your doctor putting in a script for metformin and not telling you i just cant get my head around why they would do that , its a simple decency its like if my doctor decised to stick me on another pill i go in get my script and find that they is a script there for blood pressure tablets and i knew nothing , id go back and ask why you where not informed lady xx
How do you feel about going on the meds? Do you test at reasonable levels without them? January is a tough month for motivation, but it sounds as though you are stepping things up, so it may be worth asking the doctor if you can hold off for a while and try the diet and exercise route for a little longer.
Finding the extra prescription when I went to collect wasn't helped by someone different in the chemist now that it's had it's Boots makeover. It was busy and I got flustered. So I paid the charges and I went home to phone the surgery. I did get to speak to a doctor and she explained the figures and the metformin was the next stage. I think I was more shocked that I hadn't been told.

I took the first tablet yesterday evening after dinner and the side effects kicked in at about 3am :( so at the moment I don't feel good about the meds. I ate earlier tonight and so far not too bad but it's unsettling.

Finding the extra prescription when I went to collect wasn't helped by someone different in the chemist now that it's had it's Boots makeover. It was busy and I got flustered. So I paid the charges and I went home to phone the surgery.

Once you are prescribed metformin, prescriptions become FREE. You need to get the form from the surgery.
You shouldn't have any qualms about metformin, its one of the best steps a T2 makes.
Once you are prescribed metformin, prescriptions become FREE. You need to get the form from the surgery.
You shouldn't have any qualms about metformin, its one of the best steps a T2 makes.

It might be but usually you're given some warning about the fact the doctor is going to put you on another medication.Think thats the biggest thing that narks lady.
I agree with Peter. Metformin is a good thing. Helps me keep my numbers in safe levels.

The other thing is do you do any daily exercise? I walk to and from work or borrow a dog on rest days. Exercise has really helped me get even better numbers.
Glad you have so many positives with things like diet and getting more exercise. You are making a brilliant effort, and it is good to be pleased with this side of things.

My doctor did one for glilclizide for me without telling me. The recpetionist phoned up and said the script was waiting for me, I said I wasn't expecting one. When I went tdown to see what all the fuss was about I also made an appointment to see the doctor, more to find out why it hadn't been discussed with me than anything else. Think it caused an argument beween the two doctors down there too, as it hadn't even been talked about between them! I still haven't had a proper explanation about it either.
I was put on Metformin straight away and it has got my levels way down, but like you suffered the gi side effects. If the side effects dont subside within a couple of weeks ask about Glucophage SR which is the slow release version and is easier on the tum. They sometimes dont want to put you on them as they are more expensive, but if you keep on having the side effects insist on them. As for not being told about the tablets, thats terrible, it is only common courtsey! Ask to discuss with your doctor.
I've been on Metformin since D-Day too and it does help. Ask at your surgery for a Prescription Exemption form, once you completed it you should get the form in a couple of weeks. When you get the next prescription you just them the form and hey presto. You should also get free eye tests from now on.

Well done for getting back on the diet. I had a blip over Christmas and the New Year too, it happens to all of us at some time or other. Don't beat yourself up over it.
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