Gone into remission

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have not been on here for ages, but I had some good news last week from my doctor to say that my last HBA1C result was 28 and that my diabetes has gone into remission.
So after an illness and injecting insulin to start with then on 4 Metformin tablets then down to 2 Metformin a day, now I dont need to take any Metformin at all.
I have lost 6 stone and feel great now.
At the begining after the illness and being told that I was a diabetic I felt very low and almost considered ending my life.
I knew this wouldnt help as I had my family to think of and glad I didnt do a stupid thing.
I have been very lucky to loose weight and had some great support over the last one and a half years from my family wife and kids.
So to anyone feeling low at the moment there is always light at the end of a very dark tunnel at times.
Also would like to thank everyone on this site who gave me great advise and support
Wonderful news @emmgeo, what an achievement! You must be sooo happy :D
That is fabulous. 🙂 Well done.
Huge congratulations! that’s brilliant well done
🙂 Well done! You've done brilliant
What a fantastic result. Huge Kudos to you for getting to grips with it all (especially when you were feeling so overwhelmed in the beginning) and making such an amazing transformation. You must feel like a new person!
I know that losing a stone and a half has made an enormous difference to my physical and mental health but without diabetes I very much doubt I would have done it, so there can be significant positives to come out of a diabetes diagnosis.
Well done and thanks for sharing your inspirational story!
What brilliant news @emmgeo

Well done on all the hard work you put into achieving that. Thanks so much for coming back to let us know 🙂
@emmgeo what wonderful news, well done you for overcoming so much, staying strong and getting such a fantastic result. Keep up all your good work and it’s lovely to hear from you x
Thanks for all your kind messages.
@emmgeo what wonderful news, well done you for overcoming so much, staying strong and getting such a fantastic result. Keep up all your good work and it’s lovely to hear from you x

I got the really hard bit to do now and that's to keep the weight off
Thanks for all your kind messages.

I got the really hard bit to do now and that's to keep the weight off
If you’ve done all that, I’m sure you can do this. Stay strong and keep in touch x
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