Going mad??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last night I had a dream (as my pump clinic appointment creeps closer...) that Dyson brought out a very colourful pump and that was the one my doctor said I had to have, but unfortunately it was the size of an ordinary hoover and effectively was a hoover, if I wanted some insulin I had to hoover it up off the carpet! I wasnt very pleased becuase it was so noisy and it wasnt even the rollerball one so I was dragging it around corners...I woke up exhasted!

I dream about my diabetes a lot and was just wondering if any one else remembers their diabetes dreams?! I had a nasty one the other week where I was convinced I actually was a human pin cushion...:D
Just dream that the diabetes is a dream and how much I would love a good Thai curry.
Had a great dream this morning though (details censored) to be brought back to wakefulness by the dog who had found a way into my bedroom and was licking my face.
Hey John,

I wake to the dream of having my own bed as a certain Bruce (hearing dog designate) needs to have full run of the house all the time... His wake up technique when my alarm goes off is to prod me...

Only the last couple of mornings I've woken to have a leg out of the bed and the rest of me right on the edge as a certain someone, is pushing me out!!! MY bed!!! The dream like sensation is one foot off the girder 100' in the air!

Then when he realises I'm awake he jumps up and starts the 'its time to get up routine' as though it was he that woke me up properly and not that horrible dream sensation I awoke to a few minutes before.

Now he's asleep on his sofa as if he didn't get any sleep last night. I haven't a clue how long he was on my bed for, but he seemed very settled when I realised he was there!
I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006, and as many of you will have realised I am fond of chocolate. My dream is I am drowning ina vat of chocolate while it is raining metformin and gliclizide coated in chocolate and my docotr is telling me so much chocolate is bad for me, infact it is so bad sometimes it is more like a nightmare than death by chocolate.

could I suggest perhaps considering insulin and LARGE cartidges, or perhaps a pump? Maybe an industrial one....

I dread to think the side effects of the levels of Metfartin you'd need - unless you like Aeros!🙄
Phew, I thought I was going nuts....now I know I just need to join the back of the queue!
My worst dream that I've had a couple of times is that I'm lying in bed and I'm so low that I can't move or speak, and I'm trying to wake my girlfriend up to get her to help my but i can't. So I try to roll myself out of bed so that she will wake up from the sound of me crashing to the ground.
When I've woken up I haven't ever really been low.
Its weard how your subconcious works isnt it? 2 weeks after Alex was diagnosed i had an op on my frozen shoulder - when i was coming round from the anaesthetic i dreamt he had **** and i was crying. I cant even type the word. Then on Wednesday i had to have the op repeated - and was dreading coming round afterwards - but this time when i did 'Alex' was standing over me shouting "its ok mum my levels are good - stop worrying'! How odd that i should be thinking about diabetes even when i am under anaesthetic? Bev
Its weard how your subconcious works isnt it? 2 weeks after Alex was diagnosed i had an op on my frozen shoulder - when i was coming round from the anaesthetic i dreamt he had **** and i was crying. I cant even type the word. Then on Wednesday i had to have the op repeated - and was dreading coming round afterwards - but this time when i did 'Alex' was standing over me shouting "its ok mum my levels are good - stop worrying'! How odd that i should be thinking about diabetes even when i am under anaesthetic? Bev

Thats scary.....i wish I could understand more about he subconcious, even under anesthetic it is your underlying thought.

I often dream I am hypo and wake up. Strangley I have dreamed that a very nice and reliable friend of mine who I work with goes and gets me lucozade and I drink it, then I have woken up hypo. I told my DSN this as I dreamt it twice. She said that she was aware of research and nighttime hypos, and she says it has been said that as your body saves you it isnt uncommon for someone who you know is your rock and helps your regardless in life- to help you in your dream and get you to get help!😱 FREAKY!

I told my mate this, she was freaked!!!!:D
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